On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> Hi
> I have an init script that writes output to the console (I've ruled out
> redirecting its output to a file or to network syslog for various reasons)
> The trouble is that as soon as mingetty starts, I can no longer see the
> output of that script.
> I currently decided to disable the mingetty on the console and hope that
> the machine in question will be available through telnet/rsh/ssh .
> Any better ideas? (BTW: is there anything like virtual consoles)?
> Distro: SuSE SLES 7.

Would it be possible to use syslog(), and to configure the machine for
remote logging?

Under what circumstances do you want to be able to see this output?

I'm groping for ideas coz I don't know enough about your objectives.




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