On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> Another, totally unrelated note:
> This is actually the third reply I get to my message. The first two were
> from two very kind people that bothered telling me that they are not
> available to answer my question. (Actually: One of them even did so in
> German, so I can only guess that this is what he meant). Needless to say
> that this was a great help.

I suspect they both wrote to me to tell me not to bother them with such

One of them doubtless was detected by my twit filter and filed
appropriately, so I'm only _assuming_ the same folk who wrote to you
wrote to me too.

The other wrote in some funny foreign language which I do not
understand, so I assumed he was swearing. I attempted to send it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] but it seems the people there don't understand the
Rules of the Internet and it bounced.

Please, folk, wake up. These silly vacation notices are annoying, and in
fact, meet the definitions applicable to spam.

 btw I'm going away for a few days. I promise I won't send you any
 vacation notices.



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