Super-dumb-question: Are you sure the key generation routines in the code
are using the same character sets (ie ASCII)  during the compare? A EBCDIC
input passphrase and a ASCII input passphrase won't produce the same key

-- db

----- Original Message -----
From: "paultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: ssh_dss_verify: signature incorrect

> Hi Tzafrir,
> Maybe this is what Mark was alluding to:
> When I do the diff, it reports the files are not the same.
> I did an 'ssh-keygen ' for the ssh_host_key, ssh_host_dsa_key, and
> ssh_host_rsa_key files.  As you point out, it also creates a public
> '.pub' version of each one.
> I just noticed, though, that when I /usr/sbin/sshd, it complains:
> could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
> could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
> could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
> Disabling protocol version 1: could not load host key
> Disabling protocol version 2: could not load host key
> sshd:  no host keys available -- exiting
> I have permissions set to 600 for the private keys, and 644 for the
> public ones.
> What the heck did I do to myself?
> Thanks,
> Paul
> ================================================================
> From:         Tzafrir Cohen
> Subject:      Re: ssh_dss_verify:  signature incorrect
> In-Reply-To:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, paultz wrote:
> > Finally got the binaries working for z/OS 1.2 USS .... sorta.
> >
> > I can go into OMVS shell under TSO, do an ssh into the same system, and
> > get logged right in, no problems.
> >
> > If I try to ssh  (from the same OMVS shell) to my RH7.2 Linux system, I
> > ssh_dss_verify: signature incorrect
> > key_verify failed for server_host_key
> > .....
> > then it terminates the session.  What does it mean, 'signature
> Each ssh host has a host key (actually, rsa1 host key, rsa2 host key and
> dsa host key). Each key is, as usual with ssh (and public keys in general)
> made of two parts:
> 1. the public key, which is not secret, and is declared by the server
> 2. The secret key
> The idea is that after you connect to the host for the first time you
> remember the host's (public) key. Whenever you try to connect to a server
> with an unknown key, the ssh client should warn you. Whenever you try to
> connect to a serve to which you connected before but whose key has change,
> the ssh client should give you an even nastier warning, because this can
> be a sign of somebody pretending to be that server.
> The public key is something everyone in the world can know, but the
> private key remains a secret, it never goes on the wire (not even
> encrypted). Its only use is to validate the public key: you can encrypt a
> message with the public key and have the server decrypt it, as part of the
> authentication protocol.
> Now back to the technical details:
> Have a look at the server's sshd_config . This is typically
> /etc/ssh/sshd_config . THere should be there something like:
> # HostKey for protocol version 1
> HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
> # HostKeys for protocol version 2
> HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
> HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
> Those files are the private keys. The public keys are *.pub , e.g:
> /etc/ssh/ for the dsa key. You can verify that they
> indeed match using:
>   echo "`ssh-keygen -y -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key` " |
diff -/etc/ssh/
> I thought that:
>   ssh-keygen -y  -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key | diff -
> would do, but it appears that in my host key there was an extra space in
> the end.
> --
> Tzafrir Cohen

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