On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 10:12:01 -0500, Abruzzese, Pat wrote:
>I know this is off the board but I would like to know why is the
>"mainframe's" down time limited when the "client/servers"
>seem to going down whenever. In the middle of the morning, afternoon or
>night unscheduled. My VM/ESA 2.4.0 was IPL'ed 1/09/2002 and have been up
>since. I will take it down this Sunday to put Z/VM 4.3.0 in service. Why are
>there two sets of standards???

It's called "managing expectations."  Our Sun servers go down a lot.  But
users have become accustomed to it so they don't get bent out of shape by
it.  It is "expected behavior" on those systems.  If our OS/390 system hiccups,
we start getting calls immediately because our users expect it to never have
such problems.

It would be interesting if we ever get authorization to run Linux on our
mainframe ... it might change expectations ...

-- Stephen

Stephen Y. Odo
Senior Systems Programmer                    phone:       (808)956-2383
Information Technology Services              FAX:         (808)956-2412
University of Hawai'i                        e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Region Registrar                             phone:       (808)847-1076
American Youth Soccer Organization           FAX:         (808)847-1076
Honolulu Region 178                          e-mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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