I'd recommend an install without SWAP to start...and use an entire 3390
and see what happens.
If that works then backdown on your disk space and see what the "default"
install really needs.
I used 2.6gb and had no problems....but I think it needs even less than

When I used swap and minidisks...I had similar problems...so I switched to
DEDICATED a 3390 to SLES8 and my install worked.

I also noticed that when I did not have enough disk space for "default"
install (during on of my many install attempts)
but I had enough for minimal....SLES8 proceeded with the minimal install
and did not sufficiently warn me that
I was getting a MINIMAL install....didn't like that surprise too much...

Dave Myers
Denver Solutions Group
Senior Systems Engineer
Office Phone:   (303) 996-7112
Cellular Phone: (303) 619-0782
Home Office:    (303) 948-0027
Fax:                  (303) 706.1713

                    Scott Archer                                                       
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 
                    du>                   cc:                                          
                    Sent by: Linux        Subject:     Re: SLES8 Install Problems      
                    on 390 Port                                                        
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                 
                    10:09 AM                                                           
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to Linux on 390                                                    

At 09:08 AM 02/24/2003, Mark D Pace wrote:
> >I'm doing an FTP install which works perfectly until it's time to select
> >the software package.  I followed the partitioning instructions for DASD
> >from the cd docs and the many hints from this lists archives (dasdfmt
> >fdasd from an out-of-install putty session before the accept).  All the
> >mounts look good. Then I get the infamous messages on the Installation
> >Settings screen about Not enough disk space even for a minimal
> >installation! and the *ERROR: No proposal.
> >How do I set the proposal? I go into the Software Selection screen and
> >that is displayed is the detailed selection option.  When I go into that
> >option there are no files displayed at all.
>I'm fighting the same thing right now.  I did dasdfmt and fdasd manually
>and then what I finally did was to press ABORT on the dasd screen and the
>process continues on without any problem. Once you get to the Installation
>Settings screen you select Change and you can partition your dasd and
>select your swap device by entering swap for the mount point (very
>intuitive, NOT).
Thanks Mark,

I just tried that, (and another 100 variations) and after I select the
mount points (swap and / ) and it says it sees 2.2G of dasd, when I enter
'next' and it tries the installation again, I still get the same msg about
no proposal and not enough room for an install. ARGHHHH!!!! I've tried
formatting outside by hand, marking them for format by the install
process... no difference.

When you go into the Software Selection screen, do you see a list of
options instead of just the one Detailed Selection Option?

I was so impressed with how easy the previous level install was..... I just
can't seem to find the key to this one...........


>Mark D Pace
>Senior Systems Engineer
>Mainline Information Systems
>1700 Summit Lake Drive
>Tallahassee, FL. 32317
>Office: 850.219.5184
>Fax: 850.219.5050

  Scott Archer

    Mainframe Systems Administration, New Mexico State University
    URL: http://sarcher.nmsu.edu
    Phone: (505)646-6186

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