
I went through a similar thing with WebSphere.  Here's what I did:

1) Download and install on your desktop the Cygwin/XFree86 X-Server from

2) Launch Cygwin on your desktop and in the window type: cd /usr/X11R6/bin
&& startx

3) A few xterm sessions will start in another window; in one of them do:
        ps -a
      <note the PID of task /usr/X11R6/bin/xdm>
      kill <PID>
      xhost +your-linux-hostname

4) On Linux do:
      export DISPLAY=ip.address.of.desktop:0
      startkde &      (this starts the Windows Manager KDE)
      cd /your.db2.install.directory
      ./install.sh &  (or whatever it's called)

The DB2 install window should appear in you Cygwin window.

Hank Calzaretta

-----Original Message-----
From: James Melin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:48 PM
Subject: DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition for Linux/Zseries

I just got shipped the DB2 Connect EE for Z/Linux version 8.1.  The manual
doesn't have a specific Linux 390 section, however I get teh following error
when I try to run the db2setup process.

DBI1190I db2setup is preparing the DB2 Setup Wizard which will
          guide you through the program setup process. Please

The DISPLAY variable is not set properly.  Ensure that the DISPLAY variable
is set properly and that permissions are set properly to open windows on the
display specified, then rerun the command.
nokomis:/opt/DB2_V81_CONEE_LNX390_NLV #

It appears that it's gonna do something with x windows, for a gui client to
do the actual setup. The documentation I have doesn't mention doing an
export display etc. sort of thing.

Anyone been here? The 7.2 Db2 Connect EE was shell based.

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