Two comments:

On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Hank Calzaretta wrote:

> James,
> I went through a similar thing with WebSphere.  Here's what I did:
> 1) Download and install on your desktop the Cygwin/XFree86 X-Server from
> 2) Launch Cygwin on your desktop and in the window type: cd /usr/X11R6/bin
> && startx

If you want a smaller (and still free) X server:

Use putty with X11 forwarding, and run weirdx as a java application.

> 3) A few xterm sessions will start in another window; in one of them do:
>         ps -a
>       <note the PID of task /usr/X11R6/bin/xdm>
>       kill <PID>
>       xhost +your-linux-hostname
> 4) On Linux do:
>       export DISPLAY=ip.address.of.desktop:0
>       startkde &      (this starts the Windows Manager KDE)
>       cd /
>       ./ &  (or whatever it's called)

Wow! you run a complete desktop on the remote computer? Wouldn't VNC been

Anyway: have you tried:

  ssh your-linux-host '(cd /; ./'

(from an xterm)

> The DB2 install window should appear in you Cygwin window.

Tzafrir Cohen

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