The second story relates to a zSeries shop. I wonder who GK is?

See: "";

Some companies don't want to walk on the bleeding edge of a technology.
In these true tales from the Linux trenches, two large companies didn't
even want to test the edge to see if it was still sharp.

"All of the reports in's 'Wrong Choice' series
are submitted by IT professionals and verified by our editors. The IT pros
share their experiences to help their peers hone their Linux pitches. In
some cases, mostly to protect their jobs, the contributors choose to remain
anonymous and/or not name their companies.

"Consultant Jaime Keener recalled a Linux pitch that was jinxed by an IT
director's 'fear of the unknown.' Keener had recommended Red Hat Linux as
the best file server for a large organization. He set up a server running
Red Hat and demonstrated its ease of operation, security features and
strong file-serving capabilities. The IT director, who had limited knowledge

of the Linux operating system, balked..."

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