Here are my notes that I made while creating the icons for my SuSE 8.2 

Keyboard remapping:

Apply these changes to make x3270 behave like Extra! Sessions:

Use a File Manager with root priveleges to access the 
directory.  Change the view to show  hidden files and use Kedit or some 
other editor to add theses statements to the end of .Xresources:

! Some adjustments to the keyboard of x3270:
   <Key>Escape:    Reset()\n\
   <Key>Return:    Newline()\n\
   <Key>Control_R: Enter()\n\
   <Key>End:       EraseEOF()\n\
   <Key>Pause:     Clear()\n\
   <Key>Prior:     PA("1")\n\
   <Key>Next:      PA("2")\n\
   Shift<Key>F1:   PF(13)\n\
   Shift<Key>F2:   PF(14)\n\
   Shift<Key>F3:   PF(15)\n\
   Shift<Key>F4:   PF(16)\n\
   Shift<Key>F5:   PF(17)\n\
   Shift<Key>F6:   PF(18)\n\
   Shift<Key>F7:   PF(19)\n\
   Shift<Key>F8:   PF(20)\n\
   Shift<Key>F9:   PF(21)\n\
   Shift<Key>F10:  PF(22)\n\
   Shift<Key>F11:  PF(23)\n\
   Shift<Key>F12:  PF(24)\n
! Now tell x3270 to use these adjustments.
x3270.keymap:   custom
! then open a shell and issue: xrdb -merge .Xresources

        When finished, save /home/userid/.Xresources and open a shell.  Issue 
the command  xrdb -merge .Xresources  to activate the overrides.  The 
next time you open a session with x3270, the changes will be in effect.

Different screen models:

Create an icon on the desktop and set the application path to:

        '/usr/X11R6/bin/x3270' -model 3279-5 mvshost1

Change the model to 3279-4 or 3279-2 as needed, and change the host 
field to vmhost1 as needed.

On Monday 02 June 2003 13:29, you wrote:
> Sorry for the total ignorance question. Is there a simple to
> understand document on how to set up the keymap for x3270? I've
> looked a bit at what I could find, but to be blunt, I just didn't
> understand it. I'm an old 3270 user whose fingers are permenantly
> encoded as to where the "special" keys such a ENTER (right cntl),
> NewLine (Enter), and RESET (left cntl) are supposed to be. Along with
> Insert, Home, PA1 (PgUP), PA2 (PgDN), ATTN (Esc), clear (Pause). I
> really wish that there we some "keymap editor" around which would do
> this for me. OK, it is one thing I like about Windows.

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