On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Alan Cox wrote:

> On Maw, 2003-07-29 at 19:53, Adam Thornton wrote:
> > Reading email shouldn't take much CPU, although if you insist on doing
> > it inside UltraWhizzy
> > K/Gnome/Mozilla/MultiMediaMailReaderNowWithGratuitousAnimation!!! then
> > it can find a way, I'm sure, to burn CPU.
> Even that is mostly RAM and I/O heavy (in terms of the weak PC disk
> subsystems). When I tested this with some CPU speed setting stuff at
> about 800Mhz evolution simply stopped getting any faster.

I was surprised that performance improved noticably when I added 256
Mbytes of RAM.

> That's actually very much the market pitch of one of the CPU vendors
> now (VIA)

There are some nice boxes coming from their products, some including a
motherboard with a soldered-on CPU which retails for much the same price
as a lot of mobos. The mobo is 17cm square, it's perfectly possible to
build a system with the profile of a slimmed-down lunchbox:

I chose this image because it goes to show how tiny these Sun boxes are,
and I quite like the story that goes with it;-) And, it's one of those I
just installed RHL 6.2 on.

That box at the bottom is 24 cm (9 1/2") square.

VIA specifically mentions it supports Linux.



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