On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 02:17:45PM -0700, Jim Sibley wrote:
> I'm assuming most zSeries system use a standard 3390-3
> volume (or less) for their base systems. What I've
> noticed in the last few releases for zSeries and in
> RHEL3 (beta) especially is the burgeoning size of
> /usr.
> For SuSE SLES8, I could get by with moving /usr to a
> separate volume and I could everything but the
> document pdf's on the volume.
> I tried to install EVERYTHING on the redhat beta and I
> had /usr on its own 3390-3 volume and the install
> wizard said I needed another 1179 MB! (Being a
> development shop, some of our people actually use a
> lot of this stuff).
> In fact, after a pared down install, I only used 6% of
> the / volume and 72% of the /usr volume!
> What alternatives do we have in the zSeries world for
> this ever expanding filesystem?
> - Larger volumes on an RVA or Shark (which performance
> less well with lots of data behind a single UCB - no
> PAV's)? Do a lot of people use large volumes on shark
> or RVA? Do a lot of people actually use the SCSI
> feature of shark?
> - After building a minimal system, move /usr to an LVM
> volume?

- Install /usr onto an LVM (I don't like putting / on an LVM)

Yes, this is (finally) supported. RH had this supported as of 7.3.
Unlike SuSE, RH puts everything under /usr (except the minimal system
itself, of course): no /opt.

And debian actually try to be even more strict here: cgi-bin scripts
will not reside under /var/www but hopefully somewhere under /usr/share
or /usr/lib and get symlinked.

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
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