On Thu, 31 Jul 2003, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> > - After building a minimal system, move /usr to an LVM
> > volume?
> - Install /usr onto an LVM (I don't like putting / on an LVM)
> Yes, this is (finally) supported. RH had this supported as of 7.3.
> Unlike SuSE, RH puts everything under /usr (except the minimal system
> itself, of course): no /opt.
> And debian actually try to be even more strict here: cgi-bin scripts
> will not reside under /var/www but hopefully somewhere under /usr/share
> or /usr/lib and get symlinked.
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/

CGI programs can be written in a compiled language, so /usr/share is

I'm not keen on the Debian location, but it's fairly easy to ignore: I
don't see much reason to run a webserver with anything like a vendor's
configuration anyway.

I _might_ use it as a default server, and litter it with traps for
Code Red and such.



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