Hi Folks,

I wanted to give you a heads-up that there is a virus currently
spreading like wildfire on the internet.  It is the W32/Lovsan.worm
(a.k.a. "msblast.exe") worm.  You can find information and additional
links about it here:


and if you do not have an antivirus program on your home machines that
detects it, you can get a free one here:

 <http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/> http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/

(Note:  I have downloaded and used Stinger and it appears to be safe and
it does detect and remove Lovsan.worm, as well as several others).

This effects ALL Windows platforms except 95/98 that connect to the
Internet and do not use a firewall that blocks port 135 (Remote
Procedure Call).

Here's why this virus is so serious.  Most viruses spread through email
and users that click on objects thinking they are pictures or URL's to
benign websites, when in fact they launch and execute a program on their
machine that installs the virus.  This one is different, it comes to you
courtesty of the good people in Redmond, Washington via a nice big
security hole in the Windows operating system itself that allows ANY
other computer to execute commands on YOUR computer (i.e. Remote
Procedure!).  So you can be sitting there, connected to the Internet,
doing nothing whatsoever and all of a sudden you are infected!

You can tell if the virus is on your computer by hitting Ctrl-Alt-Delete
and getting a Task List.  Look for a program named "msblast.exe" - if it
is running on your computer you are infected.   Fortunately, cleaning up
seems to be relatively easy - the FIRST thing you want to do is STOP
msblast.exe (hit the "End Process" button in Task Manager) and erase the
file.  The second thing is to remove a key which it stored in the
Windows Registry to automatically restart itself every time you reboot.
If you find you have the virus I'll be happy to give you more details if
you need them, but click on the links above and they should point you in
the right direction.

And finally, you need to download the latest security patches from the
good people at Micro$osft!  The patches are less than 30 days old, so
even if you have updated your computer recently, make sure you have the
latest patches!

I've never seen such an effective virus - fortunately it's not all that
destructive.  It's long-term intent is to actually have millions of
computers around the world start a giant DOS (Denial Of Service) attack
on the guys who started this whole mess - Micro$oft!  That is scheduled
to occur on 8/16/2003.  If it is successful you'll have great difficulty
downloading the patches, so do it now.

Naturally, this only effects Windows "operating systems"!  Linux and MAC
are not effected.



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