I think that I have received this message enough, 3 times, in less than an
hour.  Please stop!

Loren Charnley, Jr.
Tech Support Administrator
Family Dollar Stores, Inc.
Phone:  (704) 847-6961 Ext. 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Coffin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 2:58 PM
> Subject:      A Very Serious Virus Alert
> Importance:   High
> Hi Folks,
> I wanted to give you a heads-up that there is a virus currently
> spreading like wildfire on the internet.  It is the W32/Lovsan.worm
> (a.k.a. "msblast.exe") worm.  You can find information and additional
> links about it here:
>  <http://insight.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,39020463,39115651,00.htm>
> http://insight.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,39020463,39115651,00.htm
> and if you do not have an antivirus program on your home machines that
> detects it, you can get a free one here:
>  <http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/> http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/
> (Note:  I have downloaded and used Stinger and it appears to be safe and
> it does detect and remove Lovsan.worm, as well as several others).
> This effects ALL Windows platforms except 95/98 that connect to the
> Internet and do not use a firewall that blocks port 135 (Remote
> Procedure Call).
> Here's why this virus is so serious.  Most viruses spread through email
> and users that click on objects thinking they are pictures or URL's to
> benign websites, when in fact they launch and execute a program on their
> machine that installs the virus.  This one is different, it comes to you
> courtesty of the good people in Redmond, Washington via a nice big
> security hole in the Windows operating system itself that allows ANY
> other computer to execute commands on YOUR computer (i.e. Remote
> Procedure!).  So you can be sitting there, connected to the Internet,
> doing nothing whatsoever and all of a sudden you are infected!
> You can tell if the virus is on your computer by hitting Ctrl-Alt-Delete
> and getting a Task List.  Look for a program named "msblast.exe" - if it
> is running on your computer you are infected.   Fortunately, cleaning up
> seems to be relatively easy - the FIRST thing you want to do is STOP
> msblast.exe (hit the "End Process" button in Task Manager) and erase the
> file.  The second thing is to remove a key which it stored in the
> Windows Registry to automatically restart itself every time you reboot.
> If you find you have the virus I'll be happy to give you more details if
> you need them, but click on the links above and they should point you in
> the right direction.
> And finally, you need to download the latest security patches from the
> good people at Micro$osft!  The patches are less than 30 days old, so
> even if you have updated your computer recently, make sure you have the
> latest patches!
> I've never seen such an effective virus - fortunately it's not all that
> destructive.  It's long-term intent is to actually have millions of
> computers around the world start a giant DOS (Denial Of Service) attack
> on the guys who started this whole mess - Micro$oft!  That is scheduled
> to occur on 8/16/2003.  If it is successful you'll have great difficulty
> downloading the patches, so do it now.
> Naturally, this only effects Windows "operating systems"!  Linux and MAC
> are not effected.
> -Mike
>  << File: Notebook.jpg >>

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