On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Carpenter, Mark wrote:

> Anybody know of a reliable way to cause buffer cache pages to be purged (not
> written to disk, but released)??
> Problem: In a shared disk environment, changes made by the owner (R/W) are
> not seen by R/O sharers in a timely fashion.  This is especially problematic
> when the Linux virtual machine has a sizable virtual memory size allowing it
> to have lots of buffercache.  In small memory Linux images, the changes are
> recognized fairly quickly, you can force by editing a sizeable file which
> will cause the buffercache pages to be re-used (stolen).
> I realize that this is unsafe in the general sense (writing to a minidisk
> that is shared by others), but I believe that it is fairly safe in the usage
> I am attempting.

 I'm not too surprised you're having problems, nor will I be surprised
 if others reckon you're off your head;-)

What will work is NFS.
What might work is one of other the networking options:

nbd (standard part of the kernel, but you may need to build a kernel
with it built in)
enbd http://www.it.uc3m.es/~ptb/nbd/
drdb http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/reisner/drbd/



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