I have three Linux images coupled to a VSWITCH.  The VSWITCH is connected
to an OSA Express.  The OSA Express is plugged into a VLAN on a Cisco 6509
which is plugged into a PIX with an IP address if

The Linux images have IP addresses in the subnet.  The PIX
does NAT for the images.

Everything works fine for a few hours and then -- POOF! -- the Linux images
seem to lose all communication.  I've queried the VSWITCH when things are
good and when things are bad (Q VSWITCH DET).  I've also looked at the OSA
OAT table using OSA/SF.  Everything looks the same whether things are
working or not.  When things are not working one of the LAN guys watched a
PING from the one of teh Linux images to the PIX and it looks like
everything is working fine to him.  The PIX gets the PING and replies back
but the response never makes it back to the Linux image.

Besides the VSWITCH there is a Hipersockets Guest LAN with a Linux image
that routes packets to OS/390 via CTC for Tivoli backups.  Could this
router image that is not connected to the VSWICTH be causing a problem?
Everything seemed to work together fine for about five hours.  (When I say
router image I mean a very basic static routing image with
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward set to '1')

Anyway, I'm looking for more ways to troubleshoot this.  A picture of the
environment is here:



Matt Lashley
Idaho State Controller's Office

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