On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 08:30, Marist EDU wrote:
> I know this is a little off topic, but you guys are the best set of Linux
> guru's I'm aware of.
> Anyone know of a good (free or pay) 3270 emulator that runs on Linux.  I've
> tried x3270 and it just isn't what I need, I need more control over the
> keyboard (i.e. mapping the CTL key to Enter).  Printing support is also a
> must.

Hmmm.  Even if x3270 doesn't support it, you can certainly use xmodmap
to arbitrarily redefine your keyboard, although I don't know if you can
do it on a per-app basis.  Probably you can, though.

Although it looks like replacing the x3270 keymap would also work for
you.  Just display the current keymap, save it to a file, replace the
mappings you want, and then load the keymap from the "Load Keymap" item
in the Options menu.  In addition to mapping Ctrl to Enter you'd want to
change any mappings that depend on Ctrl, of course.

And I don't see what's wrong with the printing support; you can either
print by LUName, or take a dump of the current screen and print that.  I
guess I'm a bit lost as to what you're trying to do that won't work.


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