I've done some testing..... and I don't see a speed improvement for FTP of
a large file via FTP to a hipersocket address vs a GBE ethernet connection.

I did an ftp to the IP address of a Linux guest, and then repeated the send
of that file to the same guest via the hipersocket defined for it. The
results were the same, or slightly FASTER for the GBE. I didn't do enough
iterations to get a clean statistical sample of each method, but it sure
looks to me like it is the routing.

If you have say, a hipersocket device defined for Linux guest 1 at and another at, that also have a IP address
for a GBE OSA, at and respectively how do you
test so you're connecting from hsi1 on Linux guest 1 with address of 252.11
to the hipersocket defined as hsi1 on Linux guest 2 at 252.13?

I suspect that everything is getting sent out the GBE regardless.  I simply
don't know how to tell. I looked at /etc/sysconfig/network/routes which
contains: default eth0

I cannot seem to find any documentation on exactly how to tell
Linux/WebSphere to send requests for DB2 data and RACF LDAP authentication
to the hipersocket interface while sending everything else out the default

To put it mildly, I am not the most knowledgeable IP person on earth, but
the IP people we have are all windows/z-series types and Linux confuses the
hell out of them. So it's up to me.

Anyone got pointer to the missing bit? Am I being extra special dense?

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