On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 14:08, Marcy Cortes wrote:
> I don't think he has a 205 available.  If he got the messages HCPLNM091E
> it's because the system couldn't find v-disk space; not that he already had
> a 205.  If that were the case, he'd have gotten HCPLNM092E.

I had assumed it was that the userid wasn't allowed to create a 205, but
that it was OK if it was specified in the directory, and that the mkswap
in Linux failed because the device path was wrong.  SWAPGEN, as shipped,
tries detaching the device address you request first and then defining
the disk.  That's in case you've got a real device at that address--I
didn't want to overwrite whatever was on it with a swap signature.


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