*** Reply to note of Thu, 08 Jul 2004 15:01:24 -0500 (EST/CDT)

The latest issue of The Journal of Research and Dev. has an article on
SCSI IPL (real and VM):

It would be nice if you could use SET LOADDEV on regular IPL disks.

Richard Troth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>We're running into an unnecessary ugliness in zSeries
>with respect to booting and configuration.   We need "the PARM parm".
>There's a concept of a "boot command-line".   This is good.
>Often,  the boot command-line can be overridden at boot time.
>This is VERY good.   But support for override is slipping away from
>zSeries Linux.
>On Thu, 2004-07-08 at 10:37, Arty Ecock wrote:
>> > Something in
>> > initrd wants that disk R/W.  Adam suggested changing the parmline to
>> > something like "DASD=150(ro), ..." but once that is done, you lose the
>> > ability to update the basevol root disk (or a copy of it).
>On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Adam Thornton wrote:
>> Use multiple parmlines.  There's the older Lucius Leland PARM LINE
>> stuff, which I really like, which lets you do it very flexibly from CMS,
>> and there's also actual official multiboot support in newer s390-tools.
>We really need proper support for parm handling.
>For those who do not know,  VM has long time supported a PARM parm
>on the IPL command which effects a 64-byte parm string whether booting
>from device or from named saved system (NSS).   SAN support breaks it.
>So when you're booting Linux on z/VM,  you can append parameters,
>as long as you're on traditional disk or booting from NSS.
>        ipl mylinux parm root=/dev/other init=/sbin/blahblah
>        -or-
>        ipl 2345 clear parm root=/dev/another mem=1024m
>        -or-
>        ipl 1AE clear parm dasd=1AC-1AF root=/dev/dasdc1
>You get the idea.
>64 bytes is small,  but quite sufficient for most overrides.
>LOADPARM is another thing,  and is seen in the hardware,  so you
>z/OS folks are more familiar with that one.   I don't like LOADPARM.
>At only 8 bytes,  it doesn't foster entry of arbitrary boot parm text.
>The above examples do not fit into LOARPARM space.   Any alternate
>boot parameters must be pre-set and stamped into a collection.
>SAN is good.   But the z/VM support for SAN makes "PARM" an
>illegal option if the IPL device is SAN.   Why is this?   But while
>SAN support breaks ye olde PARM parm,  it supplies a new thing.
>IBM calls it SCPDATA,  but it looks like an arbitrar buffer
>which gets passed to the boot loader.   I can't find mention of this
>outside of IBM (and SHARE) documentation,  so I don't know if it is
>architected outside of zSeries.   But it's there.
>IPL from SAN should pack a PARM string into SCPDATA space,
>OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.   There's a lot of value in managed systems
>having boot-time overrides containing arbitrary details.
>When booting Linux,  there is the concept of a boot parameter line.
>We all know and love this as the "parmfile" used by ZIPL, LILO, GRUB.
>In many situations,  some stage of the bootstrap will allow overrides
>to what is stamped on disk.   THIS IS A GOOD THING.   One such
>override is Leland's "vmparm" patch for 2.4.19.
>-- R;
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