On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 15:17:48 +0200, Peter Oberparleiter

> I think the most reasonable solution for scenarios where configuration
> management tools are used would be to impose a policy, only to use
> configurations supplied in the zipl.conf file.

That's theory only.  Even when you know that a bunch of files must be
copied to implement a change, we find it helpful to run an additional
check to verify that is has been done completely (and when possible
have someone else do the check). I am sure many others also have a
program to compare two CP load maps and eyeball the differences before
an IPL (or after one that failed ;-)

I suppose it should not be that hard to include the relevant
information in the bootmap - say after the first word of 0 (or
whatever signals the loader the end of the list). And zipl -q could
retrieve that by reading the bootmap from the IPL records?


Rob van der Heij                  rvdheij @ gmail.com

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