Yes Hercules can present a 3270 as a console.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/10/04 01:13PM >>>
> Thanks but I'm running Slack/390 under the Hercules emulator.

Didn't know that Herc
supported 3270 for the *console*.

To my knowledge,
the console Hercules presents for ESA/390 mode is the
"Hardware Console"  emulation,  which is neither 3270 nor 3215
but is more of a messaging service between the (emulated) support
element and the operating system (being hosted by Hercules).
That's the only form of console I ever used with Hercules.

But older operating systems  (eg: OS/360)
would use a "device" for the console,  so I may be missing something.

-- R;

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