Somehow the user you are using is a class A user and the first/only one on the 
system. As such VM has made your user the system operator and your console mode 
defaults to CP - all commands go straight to CP and not to the operating system 
within your virtual machine. You need to:

1. Logoff
2. Get the true operator logged on
3. Change the user's configuration to eliminate class A 

If you really want this situation you can enter TERM MODE VM and CP will pass 
the input to your virtual machine rather than intercepting them.


-----Original Message-----
We are in the early stages of setting up z/VM for our Linux guests.

I am trying to add a virtual switch controller while following Getting
Started with Linux on zSeries on page 71. We are not licensed for dirmaint
so I did not use the procedures on the preceding pages. However, I did
create user VSWCTRL1 successfully. Anyway, I can logon to VSWCTRL1 and all
seems fine. While doing step 4, I receive the following:

12:54:38 z/VM Version 5 Release 1.0, Service Level 0401 (64-bit),
12:54:38 built on IBM Virtualization Technology
12:54:38 There is no logmsg data
12:54:38 FILES:   NO RDR, 0006 PRT,   NO PUN
12:54:38 LOGON AT 12:54:38 EST SATURDAY 11/27/04
12:54:38 GRAF L0005 LOGON  AS  VSWCTRL1 USERS = 9     FROM
z/VM V5.1.0    2004-11-10 08:32
access 591 z
DMSACP723I Z (591) R/O
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:55:03
12:55:26 HCPCMD001E Unknown CP command: COPY
12:59:55 Q DISK
12:59:55 HCPCQV003E Invalid option â DISK
13:00:55 L *
13:00:55 HCPCMD001E Unknown CP command: L

It seems I am allowed one command. Any subsequent command does not seem to
be recognized. I am a z/VM newbie so be kind. Thanks to for any insight
anyone can give.


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