That's what I had planned on doing, but I'll need to either copy or move the existing /var data first. The part that kills me is that it is possible to tell MySQL to put its data somewhere else, but when I reminded the vendor about the existing file system the response I got was "The default is /var." I'm not trying to slam the vendor. I don't think these folks are stupid; I just think they haven't tried it any other way before and it makes them nervous.
My current plan: /sbin/init 1 mv /var /oldvar mount -t ext3 /logicalvolumestuff /var cd /oldvar cp -ar * /var I'm thinking of making some sort of voodoo good luck charm first. Anybody know where I can get a live chicken? Jon <snip> >From my AIX days, MQSeries wanted to use /var as well. What we did was overmount a LV on /var, using different disk. I'm not sure if that will work here though. </snip> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit