Hall, Ken (GTI) wrote:
> We used to see behavior like this on our SLES8 systems, when too many images 
> were brought up at once.  It seemed to be related to contention for the disks 
> because we'd reboot the images independently and they'd come up fine, and 
> never seemed to hang on individual reboots.
> Try staggering the autologs (insert delays, etc.) at IPL time.
> Did anyone ever figure out what caused this?
My personal favorite candidate is our device discovery.
We issue a sense-id command on each subchannel, and we
wait for a response from the device for a given amount
of time. After the timeout, we continue startup with the
assumption that there is no such device. If we get a
response after the timeout has expired, we set the device
online, but that may be too late for devices that need
to be present for startup (rootfs and such).

Carsten Otte
IBM Linux technology center

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