On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 18:24 -0300, Ulisses Penna wrote:
>         Wouldn't be the Linux bogomips a good comparison parameter, since
> it comes in all Linux flavors?

To compare what?  Processors run at different rates depending on what
instructions they are executing.  There are cache effects, pipeline
effects, storage bandwidth considerations.

A tiny loop might run faster on machine 'A' than on machine 'B', while
an unrolled version of the same code would run faster on machine 'B'.  I
don't know what bogomips measures, but it should be easy to find using
Google code search.  Go see what it's measuring and decide if that is a
useful metric for your purposes.

> Please people, don't get angry with me.

Nobody's angry, and these are not silly questions.  We'd all like to be
able to measure processors to decide which is "better", if for no other
reason than to keep the salesmen honest.  But is a Maserati better than
a Mack truck?  Depends on what you want to do.

I challenge you to come up with a single bogomips-like number that
compares a Maserati to a Mack truck in any meaningful way.

David Andrews
A. Duda and Sons, Inc.

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