Here is the official IBM position on this. I wrote these rules so
I know where they came from. I won't go into the background here,
but if you are at SHARE in San Diego, come and ask me for the
gory details. Again these rules apply only to IBMers, for others
they are guidelines.

- 'Linux on System z' refers to the operating environment of
  running the Linux operating system and applications on System z
  (including eServer zSeries) servers. This was formerly called
  'Linux on zSeries'.
- 'Linux for System z' refers to the Linux distributions
  available from Linux distributors that run on System z
  (including eServer zSeries) servers in 64-bit mode. This was
  formerly called 'Linux for zSeries'.
- Note that 'Linux for S/390' may only be used to refer to the
  Linux distributions available from Linux distributors that run
  on System z (including eServer zSeries) servers 31-bit mode.
- Linux on z/VM refers to the operating environment of running
  the Linux operating system and applications under the z/VM

System z = System z9 PLUS eServer zSeries


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