>>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at  5:11 PM, in message
Altmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>> Define "attached" in this context.
> "Configured" is the term of art.  As long as the chpids, CUs, and devices
> are configured to the VM LPAR (via IOCDS, HCD, or dynamic DEFINE), then CP
> (EDEVICE) and Linux (ATTACH or DEDICATE) can talk to the FCP adapters.

This was the problem the OP was having.  Since the LPAR was defined as being an 
"MVS LPAR" (BTW, why should PR/SM care what OS is to be run in the LPAR?), HCD 
would not allow him to configure the FCP I/O devices onto the LPAR.  He had to 
either create a new LPAR definition, saying it was a "VM LPAR" or delete and 
redefine the existing one.

> The above is necessary, but typically not sufficient.  Additional
> configuration of your SAN fabric is usually required to give Linux and/or
> CP access to the target WWPNs & LUNs.

Sure, but you have to get past the first hurdle before you can even try to deal 
with these items.

Mark Post

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