Pieter Harder wrote:
I am starting to think about the possibilities 2GB above the bar DCSS in z/VM 5.4 will provide for replacing large Vdisk swap. But I can't find any usable documentation on how to do swap to DCSS. The basics are documented on dw and I can probably manage, but when anyone has been there and done that can you please post some pointers and save us all the trouble of finding out again. Performance information is quite welcome as well.
The dcssblk device driver is a much faster swap target then vdisk. We have'nt got a good documentation on the setup unfortunatly, but I am willing to guide you through the setup process. In short, you'll have to do the following steps: On _one_ privclass E guest do: - use DERFSEG to define a dcss with one page "exclusive write" and the rest "exclusive nonsaved" access mode - define the guest storage larger then the dcss, then ipl CMS and save the empty segment - reduce the guest storage again, boot linux, load the dcss in the dcssblk driver (should report EW/EN mixed mode segment in dmesg) - do mkswap on the block device, and save the segment again via the "save" attribute of the dcssblk device driver
On every guest do: - add "dcssblk.segments=NAME" to your kernel parameter line to get the block device active on startup, and add the swap target to /etc/fstab like this: /dev/dcssblk0 swap swap pri=1 0 0 - do swapon -a, and verify that the swap is active in /proc/swaps ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit http://www.marist.edu/htbin/wlvindex?LINUX-390