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Hey all:

We made the decision earlier this year to consolidate all our linux
penguins to a single distribution, both to simplify our support and
licensing, and concentrate our expertise.

We decided to migrate our Z SLES penguins to Redhat rather than our
distributed penguins to SLES mostly as a matter of effort.  We have
about the same numbers of distributed and virtual penguins, and it's a
lot lot easier to clone a replacement redhat image on Z than reinstall a
distributed box with SLES.  This also means a lot less app downtime,
since both the old SLES and new RHEL boxes can be running on Z without a
lot of extra effort while the app migrates.

So, round about now, we've had a number of months of working with both
SLES and RHEL side by side on Z, and I have a few observations about
what it's like to administer each one.

*) Integration to the Z platform

SLES is pretty clearly ahead of the game here.  Generally not by huge
leaps and bounds, but noticeably.

For example, when adding more dasd to an image, "mkinitrd && zipl"
suffices on sles to insure that the new dasd will be brought online the
next time the image is IPL'd.  On rhel, similar to the way sles 8 used
to work, you have to manually edit /etc/modprobe.conf before running
mkinitrd, and mkinitrd doesn't default any of the arguments.

Additionally, we edit /etc/zipl.conf to enable a boot menu with an added
single user mode boot option, to aid in system recovery.  On redhat,
zipl fails to recognize the "defaultmenu=" option, and it must be
specified by "zipl -m ..." on the command line.  On suse, this just works.

*) GUI v Text mode administration

No doubt about it YaST is a great tool for gui oriented admins, or
admins who may just not remember what exactly to do at that moment.  The
flip side is it's sometimes awkward to administer the system outside of
YaST.  For example, at the request of our mail team, we wanted to adjust
the relayhost / smarthost setting on our all our boxes.

On SuSE, it took quite some doing to discover I had to edit
/etc/sysconfig/postfix, and not just /etc/postfix/main.cf.  I tried the
latter, but found YaST (really SuSEconfig, running under yast)
complained incessantly.  On redhat, a quick edit of
"/etc/mail/sendmail.mc", followed by a "make && service sendmail reload"
and I was done.

In general, SuSE is a more strongly GUI'ish system, and Redhat is
heavily command line, with individual GUI tools if you happen to know
how to find them.

*) Updating / patching the system

Here, Redhat really shines.

Last week friday, I patched 8 SLES systems from 10.1 to 10.2 -- it took
nearly 6 hours.  YaST online_update was slow as heck, had to be run,
rerun, and run yet again, and kept popping up annoying dialogs
mid-update I had to answer before it'd continue.  It was a nightmare.
Eventually, it got a little easier when I remembered I could run "zypper
update" from the command line, but even that I had to run and re-run, I
still needed to run yast online_update once to select the "migrate to
10.2" package I couldn't find using zypper, and I still had to answer
specious y/n questions.

And where the heck did "zypper" come from, anyway?  SuSE, Can't you just
use "yum" or "apt" or something like all the other distros?  Seems like
another case of pointless functionality duplication.  And one that's not
all that well documented to boot.

On redhat this last monday?  I upgraded 9 systems from 5.1 to 5.2.  One
command: "yum update".  Walk away.  Get coffee.  Come back 30 minutes
later, and all 8 machines are done and ready to re-ipl.

Dear heaven what a contrast.

Interestingly, *both* distros trashed our custom zipl bootmenu.  SuSE
just plain erased our single user boot selection.  Redhat added a
"default=(newest_kernel_image)" to zipl.conf, which didn't work, since
zipl errors with both a "default=" and "defaultmenu=" option in the file.

*) Getting support

We have both IBM support and Redhat support.  Generally call IBM with
anything Z related, whither redhat or suse, and I haven't noted a
significant difference in response from IBM favoring either side.

I've never called Novell / SuSE support directly, so I can't really
compare Redhat v. Novell.  Sorry. :-S

*) Available software in distro

Redhat seems to be the winner here.  It has a number of things than suse
for instance subversion and a wider selection of perl modules.

*) SELinux v. AppArmor

APPArmor just hasn't gotten in our way so far.  Go SuSE.

On the other hand, something that's been a big adjustment - SELinux in
redhat 5.  It seems like none of the vendors out there support running
under SELinux.  For example, for both our monitoring product and backup
solution I've had to craft custom SELinux policy exceptions.

I don't really blame Redhat for this, but I'm pissed as all h*** at the
vendors.  Follow me on this as I descend into ranting for the rest of
this post, or perhaps not, to preserve your sanity :-)

<3rd party vendor rant>

Okay, redhat 5's been out for what, 10 months or so now?  Redhat 4,
which also had SELinux, but only in warning mode, was out for like 2
years before Redhat 5 was released?

What in the snark have you 3rd party vendors been *doing* all this time?

If you say you're going to support bloody Redhat, don't you think that
taking the nearly 3 years available until now to adopt to the coming of
SELinux, a standard Redhat feature, might be advisable?

Going without support for this huge change in how the system operates
for nearly 3 years shows an inexcusable lack of attention for my
platform.  How am I supposed to believe that your product support is
adequate for me again?

Oh yea, and the same goes for firewall rules.

Telling me to just turn off two major subsystems is not support.

Personally, if these products weren't mandated by my it management, I'd
toss 'em and go with working replacements.


*) Extraneous crap in the distro

This one's all rant.  The gist of which is my pet peeve regarding
installing extra crap, especially auto-update or update tracking
services.  Read at your own risk.

<distro rant>

Okay -- both of you.  Please, turn off your crap.  Not every machine
needs to be running cups.

In particular, "zmd" is a bandwith and cpu wasting pig which has caused
us so many problems we now kill it with extreme prejudice where ever we
can find it.  "yum-updated" isn't quite as bad, but still qualifies as

Actually, let me make this point strongly.  No, distro makers - WE DON'T
WANT OUR SYSTEMS TO AUTO UPDATE!  This is a 24x7 highly available setup,
with tight change control.  Running a daemon to tell me what's out of
date is pointless, because I won't make a change based on that.  Changes
are a big deal, and need testing, paperwork, and considerable work.
That's why we run predictable and scheduled bi-annual maintenance and
patch cycles.

Running a daemon which automagically updates stuff is even worse.

This is not my workstation or home computer.  This is a data center.
Stop trying to hold my hand about this -- we hire professional
administrators for a reason.

Have the tools there -- fine and good.  Automatically assume all systems
must run the tool -- severely broken.

</rant off>

So, overall, it's not been a huge effort to migrate from SLES to RHEL.
It is different, and definitely more command line, but not so completely
foreign that we feel it to be broken or impossible.

Hope this helps some other folks looking at the same things we were.

- -- Pat

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