Hello Mark,

I know that it wouldn't make any sense in investigating after the
restore. Before the restore I DDR'd the old disk to a spare DASD. So I
still have the old corrupted disk as was before the restore and now it
is mounted on a different guest.

I do not have any indication that the disk has been accessed from
outside. We use DIRMAINT so overlays are already pretty rare, unless
someone does it on purpose. Besides, from VM I can't find any clues, no
erep records, no operator console log records, no diskacnt records etc.
We do not know if there were any users logged in in the linux guest but
there are only a few users that have access to the guest. Because the
root disk is corrupted we also lost (a part of) /var. Most annoying is
the /var/log so I don't have the syslog, other then what I get on the
console bacause the console is logged in a prop console user. That's why
I would like to recover the /var/log directory or at least the

Before the error happened, at 15:54, we didn't see any errors on the
console. Suddenly a few console messages appeared complaining about
missing file (pam and postfix) in the /etc. At that time no one could
log in because pam couldn't authorize anymore. So only an CP I CMS could
restart the machine. I didn't do the reboot myself but they told me the
boot started and stopped at the moment the inittab was to be accessed.

De root is an ext3 filesystem and initially contained all directories
but later on the /usr was moved to a different disk. It is just a single
3390-3 volume, no LVM.

When I boot now it stops at "Waiting for device /dev/dasda1 to appear:
.....not found <snip>" This would indicate that the /boot is still
available and indeed it shows up when I mount the disk in another guest.
Directory dev does contain a few dasd devices but not all, it starts
with dasdkk. So the boot can't find /dev/dasda now.

I do get errors when I mount the disk in the other guest as /dev/dasdq1
but when I fsck the /dev/dasdq1 it reports a clean device. Actually that
wouldn't be correct also because I know for sure the disk wasn't cleanly
unmounted at that time but that could be due to the fact that it had
been mounted in a different guest before the DDR was done.

I'll have to look into the dd. There is an IO error (but not in the
/var/log/messages) when I start with an count>100 but when I skip over
that I get no IO error. But it looks like I can't dump the entire DASD
in one go. Besides, I whish I could investigate without running a
complete dump of 2.3GB DASD file.

Regards, Berry.

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