I am using the mkinitrd CLI with a -D option to build my initrd that runs
DHCP on eth0.  However, when I IPL the system with the initrd, kernel, and
parm punched to reader, I get the following error:

err, eth0: ioctl SIOCGIFHWADDR: No such device

My DHCP server is setup correctly, but how does the mkinitrd command group
the 3 device numbers?


 Thang                                       2455 South Road          (Embedded
 Pham                                                            image moved to

 Phone:    (845) 433-7567                    Poughkeepsie, NY

 e-mail:   thang.p...@us.ibm.com

From:       Mark Post <mp...@novell.com>
To:         LINUX-390@vm.marist.edu
Date:       05/24/2010 03:46 PM
Subject:    Re: Network driver
Sent by:    Linux on 390 Port <LINUX-390@vm.marist.edu>

>>> On 5/24/2010 at 03:06 PM, Thang Pham <thang.p...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> I think I am not grouping the 3 device numbers after loading the driver.
> How do I do that?

You could try http:///linuxvm.org/Patches/#qethon since you're building
your own initrd.  (I'm not even going to ask why you think that's a good

> I am trying to boot SLES 11.1.

No, you're trying to boot SLES11 SP1.  There's enough confusion going
around about openSUSE release numbers and SLES, please don't add to it.

Mark Post

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