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David Kreuter wrote:
> The non-hostile list is quite short unfortunately. For the most part
> Oracle is not hostile and queue drops nicely.
> Getting vendors including IBM to:
> 1. acknowledge the problem is hard.
> 2. once acknowledged repairing (woops, I mean adding a feature) doesn't
> happen quickly or for that matter often.
> In my view it is not criminal or heretic for code to acknowledge its
> virtual surroundings.  But lots of apps people think otherwise.
> People we just want all our virtual machine children to play and share
> nicely. Give up when you do not have actual work, you will get your turn
> when needed, really you will. Is that too much to ask?
> David Kreuter

It seems to me that this issue has certain parallels to the current and
long running debate about linux kernel power management hacks targeting
embedded devices (e.g. android wake locks)

Specifically -- applications are very frequently crappy, and fixing them
all, or even a significant fraction of them, is significantly unlikely.
 Ergo, what, if anything, could a linux kernel do to reign in
misbehaving apps?

Android's answer is to sleep regardless of what the apps say, with a
privilege limited mechanism that blocks sleeping.  Privs are only
granted to apps the admin (or android packager) deems truely critical
like the radio / phone apps.

Would some similar sort of mechanism help for virtualization?
(complete, uninformed speculation here) Perhaps a kernel mechanism to
limit wakeups in the case that no cpu is seen to be consumed, or the like?

- -- Pat

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