My experience too. A lot of monitoring is done with dedicated servers in
mind. So CPU resources are allowed to be wasted and one doesn't care
about keeping the machine active. The same scripts are then used in
virtual environments and then they wonder why they get the wrong
numbers, why there are performance problems (or seemds to be performance
problems), etc. Obviously the CPU load, IO and such depend on how often
you run the script.

Look at what you need to monitor. CPU numbers within the guest can be
wrong. We have two guests hardlimitted on an absolute share of 11%.
Every day they create alerts for high CPU loads within the guest. While
they only are limitted in VM because of the share. So monitoring in the
guest can give you alerts for the wrong event. If you want to monitor
the guest for high user CPU chances are the guest is also running high
CPU load in VM too. 

If you use the appldata and/or mon_procd services in linux you can
monitor also usercpu from VM. The CP MONITOR holds the numbers, use a
rexx to obtain them.

Regards, Berry.

-----Original Message-----
From: Linux on 390 Port [] On Behalf Of
Sent: donderdag 9 december 2010 12:22
Subject: Re: Need a little help with a Linux script

On Thu, 9 Dec 2010 09:57:55 +0100
Agblad Tore wrote:

> I would say: don't use script for monitoring cpu.
> You may not get the correct cpu figures from inside the Linux and 
> these cmds in scripts consumes huge cpu and I/O !!

I can't see where parsing the output from mpstat would universally
qualify for this admonition.
Your bad experience is yours, not everyone elses.

> Do it in z/VM and a nice Rexx instead, much better !

This may well be true for something like overall CPU usage of the entire
guest - bit hard to determine userspace usage from the hipervisor
though. Probably also presumes the availability of a monitor product of
some sort on z/VM.

Shane ...

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