We have several Red Hat servers that were set up by our Unix group when
we started into the zLinux world. All these servers are running in 64
bit architecture. As I am getting to know they systems better, I did a
search on the packages we have installed and found about 71 packages
that have both a s390 (32 bit) and s390x (64 bit) versions installed. Is
there any reason to have both architectures install for the same
package? We just did a basic install of RHEL on one of our test systems,
and when I searched that platform, we had no 32 bit packages (great!). 


Has anyone had similar experience or have any recommendations. I am
considering removing all the 32 bit packages from the system, but want
to insure that it has no impact on the system. Is there any need for a
64 bit application to have access to it's 32 bit conterpart?


James Chaplin

Systems Programmer, MVS, zVM & zLinux

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