I want to thank Malcolm Beattie for the Perl script. I'm running it
now. It has already finished processing one generation, having split
it up into 60 output files. This has been about 3 hours now.
Significantly faster. I only made one change. I did a close on all the
cached output files after finishing with each input file. Once I'm
finished with a given input, the associate output files are never
written to again. I thought it a good idea to close them to flush them
out and to save file descriptors.

I plan to make threechanges. The first is to get the names of the
files to process from the command line. The second is to support
multiple different compression techniques by looking at the file's
suffix. .bz2 ==> bzcat ; .gz ==> zcat ; .xz ==> xzcat ; all others ==>
cat. I also plan to look at compressing the output files, with
appropriate extension, using the identical compression method, in a
manner similar to how the input decompression is done (piping). I
don't plan to do it the proper way. That is, by using something from
CPAN to do the compression, such as one of the IO::Compress::
submodules. Yeah, I'm really way too lazy. Maybe in the future. I
guess that would save a number of fork()s for the multiple output
files. I'll take it under advisement. <grin/>

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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