On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 05:22:56PM -0600, Mark Post wrote:
> >>> On 5/22/2016 at 10:45 AM, WF Konynenberg <w...@konynenberg.org> wrote:
> > In Linux/Unix, a file is simply a byte stream.  Any format information
> > about a structured file should be accessible to the application by some
> > means, so it can know how to parse the file. Since the CMS file system
> > stores structured files of different types/modes, this meta information
> > in the file system should somehow be made available to applications in
> > Linux/Unix when accessing the file system through cms-fuse.  There are
> Sounds like you're starting to argue Alan's case here.  Have the file system
> driver do the heavy lifting for you.  I don't think that's likely to happen.
> > various ways to achieve that, e.g. represent each CMS file by 2 files in
> > Linux/Unix (similar, I think, to how "resource forks" are handled in
> > Apple systems), one containing the data, one containing the meta data,
> > or, alternatively, add a header to each file that represents the meta
> > data from the file system (though this might break some existing
> > applications that currently expect to find only the actual data in the
> > file and somehow "magically" know the meta data...), etc, etc. Finding
> > the most suitable model will likely require some creative thought on the
> > part of the developers.  Perhaps the representation model can be made to
> > depend on a mount option, with the default being backward compatible
> > lack of metadata.
> >
> > Just simply saying "sorry, this critical meta data from the CMS file
> > system is not available in Linux" basically means unnecessarily
> > crippling Linux access to the CMS file system.
> Again, Alan's original suggestion was to teach cmsfs-fuse about such things.
> I suppose one could use a combination of cmsfs-fuse and Rick Troth's 
> wonderful CMSFS package.
> s390vsl204:~ # cmsfs-fuse /dev/dasdg /mnt
> s390vsl204:~ # l /mnt
> total 34024
> drwxrwx--- 2 root root      512 May  4 18:56 ./
> drwxr-xr-x 1 root root      172 May 18 19:00 ../
> -rw-rw---- 1 root root      160 May  4 17:07 FTPBOOT.PARM
> -rw-rw---- 1 root root 34812720 May  4 18:56 INITRAMF.IMG
> -rw-rw---- 1 root root     2000 Oct  1  2012 KAKKA2.EXEC
> -rw-rw---- 1 root root     2000 Oct  1  2012 KAKKA3.EXEC
> -rw-rw---- 1 root root     2000 Oct  1  2012 LINUX.EXEC
> -rw-rw---- 1 root root     2000 Oct  1  2012 S11S2GM.EXEC
> s390vsl204:~ # cmsfslst -f /dev/dasdg
>          DIRECTOR P0 F         64          8          1  5/04/2016 19:56:38
>          ALLOCMAP P0 F       4096          2          2  5/04/2016 19:56:38
> FTPBOOT  PARM     B1 F         80          2          1  5/04/2016 18:07:40
> S11S2GM  EXEC     Z1 F         80         25          1 10/01/2012  6:23:36
> KAKKA2   EXEC     Z1 F         80         25          1 10/01/2012  6:27:42
> KAKKA3   EXEC     Z1 F         80         25          1 10/01/2012  6:28:18
> LINUX    EXEC     Z1 F         80         25          1 10/01/2012  6:27:00
> INITRAMF IMG      B1 F         80     435159       8500  5/04/2016 19:56:38
> I don't think the file command is going to be extended to handle this, 
> however.

The cmsfs-fuse also provides information the file mode and format.  They can
be obtained with getfattr or even set with setfattr.  This kind of
meta-information is managed as extended file attributes.

If there is some indication of packed CMS in these kind of meta-information it
could help to spot them in Linux.  Of course, if cmsfs-fuse is missing some
meta-information it should display with getfattr, please let us know.

>From a Linux perspective, I would still consider packed CMS files like any
other compressed files like bz2, xz, ...  So having a magic to stop these and,
optionally, a cmspack/cmsunpack command would help.

Thanks and kind regards,

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