Hello Leo,

> Just a lurker with a question and idea...

Same here.

> How big is the minix code (x86 not source)?  If it is big (relative to a
> _plain_ FAT) maybe the minix fs is not necessary? and memory could be
> freed by simplifying the filesystem?  I understand the many limitations of
> FAT but it appears that elks is going to be able to make an x86 a
> relatively powerful workstation (kinda)... but a true multiuser box? are
> ownership and permissions going to be as useful as the additional
> workstation like functionality that can be added with the saved memory?

Don't forget that ownership and permission are quite useful even if
only one user is working on the machine, but in different guises ---
root and his normal self being the most obvious ones.  And becomes
even more valuable once several users are using the machine

Ownership and permission are some of the things I miss most under DOS.

 _       _   Lehrstuhl fuer Mustererkennung und Bildverarbeitung
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|_|_|_|_|_.__/   fax  :      +49 761 203 8262           79110 Freiburg i. Brsg.
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