David Murn writes:
> On Mon, 3 May 1999, Alistair Riddoch wrote:
> > The problem is that the only disk driver we have working yet is the one
> > that uses BIOS routines to access the disk. After DOS is loaded the int 13h
> > entry in the VII which initially points to this BIOS routine is replaced.
> > 
> > BootELKS gets round this by having an image of the VII before DOS was
> > loaded, and loading this into the VII before the kernel is started, giving
> > the kernel access to the BIOS routines.
> Oh, in that case it's easy, we simply write a little chunk of code to put
> at the start of a disk, which simply copies the VII to some point later in
> the disk, to be retrieved by a DOS program.

The problem is that with palmtops which boot from ROM we don't have access
to the machine until DOS has started. There is no boot disk, so we cannot
put any code on it.


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