At 12:16 PM 7/15/99 -0600, Greg Haerr wrote:
>: I downloaded the and used RaWrite to pu them on 5 1/4" floppies
>: from my Win95 machine.  I took them down to the basement and fired up an
>: old XT clone.  Boot messages appear normal (it identifies 2 floppies and 1
>: HDD), but when it asks for the root floppy, the drive light never goes off.
>:  I tried swapping disks and pressing enter, but the system hangs there.
>: Has anyone else found this?  It may be bad floppies, since the same thing
>: happened when I tried it on another XT clone.  I'll try it again as soon as
>: I find two more 5 1/4 disks.
>       The drive light never goes off on my system either, but ELKS 0.77 runs
>fine.  Is your problem that ELKS doesn't work, or with the drive light?
        The problem is that the system does not mount the root disk (AFAIK)  I let
it spin the root disk for 5 minutes after pressing enter, but nothing
happens.  But since it works for you, it's probably a problem with my
disks.  I found another pair of disks, and will try it again tomorrow.

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