On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Perry Harrington wrote:

> Why not take the approach that Linux takes with the module:
> Create the driver structure, have the primitives referenced in the
> driver structure.  If the driver doesn't implement a primitive, set
> the structure member to NULL, and the driver loader will take care
> to use the builtin function.  EG:
> struct driver {
>       ptr_t   hline
>       ptr_t   vline
>       ptr_t   bline
>       ...
> struct driver herc_card[]={
>       herc_hline,
>       herc_vline,
>       NULL
> };
> That way you can have driver optimized primitives or rely on the default,
> which just calls write_pixel.

sounds good.
how much would it take to change/add microwin?


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