>       No need.  MicroWindows handles the Bresenham algorithm in the mid
> level code in devdraw.c.  It uses successive calls to drawpixel to make it work.

Hmm. A 8086 isn't quite a PC on which you want to loose performance. And
that's exactly what you're doing here. PutPixel is a short routine and you
loose way to much time if you don't inline it...

> In this way, people like you and me don't have to rewrite bresenham for every
> card someone wants....

You wouldn't have to rewrite it for every -CARD-, you would have to re-
write it for every BIT-DEPTH. Which isn't that much work anyway.

Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

                  UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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