On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Benjamin Hauger wrote:

> Forget it. I've asked to be unsubscribed about three or four times and
> I've tried. Once you're on this list, there's no escaping it. You might
> want to try setting up a procmail script to bounce all incoming list
> messages back at the list. I'm about ready to. 

Great way to get your name, as well as your ISP blacklisted.

Just about all list servers are the same in the way you
subscribe/unsubscribe.  At least all majoromo-run servers are.  Simply
send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (where x is whatever is after the @ on the
list, in this case vger.rutgers.edu), and put "unsubscribe list-name",
where 'list-name' is what's before the @.  Simple.  If you want to be
removed and this doesn't work, don't just sit and whinge, email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (again where 'list-name' is whatever is before
the @).


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