: I have frequently experienced very bizare behavoir whenever the commandline
: for a program gets very long, including hung processes, a hung system, and
: some really messy crashes. I think this is the problem you are having with
: wildcards. Somewhere the length of the commandline is not being checked,
: and is overwriting some vital data. I have an entry for this problem in the
: BUGS file in the source distribution, and on the website.

        This problem is very related to the 64k-2 bug that I fixed in ELKS exec.
All commandline argc/argv/envp stuff is copied above the initial SP, initial work
by the Rob's libc code, and then by the kernel exec code.  I looked through
this stuff fairly carefully during that bugfix, and although complicated,
it looked ok.  I would suggest checking the glob generation code next
at this point.


: Al

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