On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Bradley D. LaRonde wrote:
> > It's both less restrictive and designed to apply to anything; not just a
> > library with a well defined interface API.
> This is a library we are talking about here, right?

No, a graphics server application.

> So I get to grant who, Greg, you, who? the right to use my improvements in
> their own proprietary Micro*.  Doesn't sound good to me.  And I get to have

Proprietory in what way? Because they can sell it? You can sell GPLed
programs too, and the GPLed code and any changes made to it remain
available in the same way that MPLed code and any changes made to it
remain available.

--------------- Linux- the choice of a GNU generation. --------------
: Alex Holden (M1CJD)- Caver, Programmer, Land Rover nut, Radio Ham :
-------------------- http://www.linuxhacker.org/ --------------------

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