On Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:32:09 -0400 you wrote:
>I think that GPL is the answer for the server part. 

Then you've killed the static linking potential for a lot of developers,
who will then likely look to other projects instead. At the very least
the server needs to be LGPL'd, preferrably MPL'd, or as Alex suggested
MPL'd with an added provision for users to do a one way conversion to
>Do we believe in this thing or not?  I do. 
>Are we willing to reverse engineer a few devices?  Are we willing to have 
>write some extra code now and then?  I am. 
>So let's just take a deep breath, GPL the server part, go forward, and not 
>look back. 
>As for the client part, same thing execpt add an L before the GPL. 

In that case I'll have to start evaluating other systems for my work,
since it was a hard enough sell to go for the MPL for some of our partners.


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