>   ____          Network configurator        ____ 
>  | This package allows you to configure a       |
>  | TCP/IP network from scratch using ethernet   |
>  | and modem (or other serial connection)       |
>  |        
>  |      ___________________________________     |
>  |     |____Client tasks___________________|    |
>  |     |  Basic host information           |    |
>  |     |  Name server specification (DNS)  |    |
>  |     |  Routing and gateways             |    |
>  |     |  Host name search path            |    |
>  |     |  Network Information System (NIS) |    |
>  |     |  IP| interface setup              |    |
>  |     |  PPP/SLIP/PLIP                    |    |
>  |     |____Server tasks___________________|    |
>  |     |  E|ported file systems (NFS)      |    |
>  |     |  IP aliases for virtual hosts     |    |
>  |     |  Apache Web server                |    |
>  |     |  Domain Name Server (DNS)         |    |
>  |     |  Basic services                   |    |
>  |     |  Mail delivery system (sendmail)  |    |
>  |     |  Samba file server                |    |  <===
> di  bagian ini .....
nah mas bootmaster bagian ini.............., di linuconf
punya saya pada bagian server tasknya enggak ada samba file
server cara masukin nya gimana ?
kalau kayak firewall PPP dll ada gimana yah ?
seblumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih sebelumnya.
eh... masalah vitus fun love udah saya coba trs saya beralih
pakai komputer client yang lain tapi tetap aja sama, malahan
samba restart hrs dua kali melakukannnya.

>  |     |  Ftp server (wu-ftpd)             |    |
>  |     |_____Misc__________________________|    |
>  |     |  Information about other hosts    |    |
>  |     |  Information about other networks |    |
>  |     |  Linu|conf network access         |    |
>  |     +___________________________________+    |
>  |______________________________________________|

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