On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 01:37:27AM -0700, eddy wrote:
> root      1491  0.0  0.0  1368   16 ?        S    Apr17   0:00
> readproctitle service errors: ...al: unable to lock directory
> /var/log/qmail/vmailmgrd: access denied? 
> multilog: fatal: unable to lock directory /var/log/qmail/vmailmgrd:
> access denied?
> multilog: fatal: unable to lock directory /var/log/qmail/vmailmgrd:
> access denied?multilog: fatal: unable to lock directory
> /var/log/qmail/vmailmgrd: access denied?
> multilog: fatal: unable to lock directory /var/log/qmail/vmailmgrd:
> access denied?

maaf, saya kurang begitu paham dengan daemontools yang terbaru,
yeah saya pakai daemontools terbaru, tapi masih dengan cara
lama :-) jadi tidak pakai readproctitle he..he..

kalau memang benar error message tsb masih ada, coba deh
shutdown dulu svscan (svscanboot), kemudian hapus directory
/var/log/qmail/vmailmgrd/supervise. Kemudian baru start
svscan lagi.


P.Y. Adi Prasaja

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