Linux-Advocacy Digest #498, Volume #25            Fri, 3 Mar 00 23:13:08 EST

  Re: Kerberos Caught In Microsoft's Deadly "Embrace" ("Chad Myers")
  Linux is a lamer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux is a lamer (Matt Gaia)
  Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux is a lamer (mr_rupert)
  Re: Let's blow this Linux Scam Wide Open!! (mr_rupert)
  Re: My Windows 2000 experience ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Linux is a lamer (proculous)
  Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy. (proculous)


From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kerberos Caught In Microsoft's Deadly "Embrace"
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 02:38:37 GMT

"Jeff Szarka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 3 Mar 2000 10:56:47 -0000, "Neil"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :"Mark S. Bilk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> :news:89miqc$rnn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> :> The "truth" from Microsoft, posted very quickly by its
> :> faithful and diligent servant, Chad Myers.
> :>
> :> On the other hand...
> :
> :My understanding of the Kerberos situation, is that Microsoft have made use
> :of a current aspect of "whitespace" in the spec, to add security
> :information, pertinent to the W2K environment to the ticket.
> :
> :Not fundamentally changing the manner in which Kerberos authenticates, per
> :se, but adding info to an current undefined portion of the ticket, in a
> :similar method to that which they did to "tokens" in the previous NT domain
> :model.
> :
> :Neil
> :
> Exactly. They had to change it. What would you rather have? An open
> protocol that is slightly modified or an untested protocol?

This added feature is only used when you have a Win2K Pro <-> Win2K server
exchange. If you have a non-windows client or server (KDC) it doesn't use it.


Subject: Linux is a lamer
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 02:41:37 GMT

After a week of playing around with this Corel Linux shit I have gotten my money back 
the local computer shop. I can't believe that they are trying to sell shit like this.

i agree with others in this club that Linux is really a total waste of time.

My suggestion is save your money, buy Windows and live your life instead of dedicating 
to trying to make a system run.

What a piece of junk this Linux is.



From: Matt Gaia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux is a lamer
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 21:44:38 -0500

<<various win-troll snippings>>

Sounds to me like some kiddie who's disgruntled since he can't figure out
how to use an OS that actually requires you know a bit about computers.
Heh, lamer. :)


Subject: Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy.
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 02:52:45 GMT

Why don't you refute the guys post instead of throwing spears?

Last time I checked RealPlayer for Linux was way 
behind although this may have changed by now.

I don't run Linux cause it sux big time.
I tried it and it looked, ran and installed like
 a piece of software from 1981 so I dumped it.

Many others agree despite what you may think.


On 4 Mar 2000 00:27:59 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk) wrote:

>This is just Steve/keymaster the homophobic fundamentalist 
>again, in another of his 1000 disguises.  One of his two 
>previous posts complains about "profanity".  The headers 
>also confirm it.
>Steve (or whatever your name is), doesn't "Thou shalt not 
>bear false witness" apply to you?
>Why don't you buy a couple of gay porno magazines and have 
>a nice time with yourself.  You know you want to.  It's 
>natural, and fantasies are completely safe.  
>You need to start merging all your different personalities 
>together, and the first step is to admit that they exist, 
>and let them get to know each other.  You have to stop 
>spending all your time fighting with other people -- post-
>ing this crap under so many different names to get attention.  
>Even if you're getting paid to do it, you'd better quit, 
>because it isn't good for you.  Your propaganda has no 
>effect anyhow, now that your cover is blown and we know 
>it's coming from one person.
>If you feel like talking, e-mail me your phone number, and
>I'll give you a call.  I don't have any negative feelings 
>toward you.  I'd really like to help.  
>  Mark
>In article <89palo$36p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>proculous  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I notice that the Linux advocacy group seems to have much more traffic
>>than any of the Windows advocacy groups. Simple reason is that Windows,
>>along with the Mac sell themselves and don't need a band of loonytunes
>>around to wave the flag. Now that Linux has become somewhat of the
>>darling of the computer press the chips are out on the table for
>>prospective users and supporters to try and decide for themselves if
>>Linux is worth the fuss.
>>My opinon is that Linux in and of itself fizzles and burns out on the
>>launchpad before it even gets into orbit. Joe computer user weaned on
>>Windows needs a hell of a lot more than a free operating system in
>>order to even consider switching from Windows. Why should he switch?
>>Graphics? Doubtful considering X-Windows blurry, distorted and hard on
>>the eyes method of displying fonts.Don't tell me about rendering for
>>Titanic I know the entire story. Linux was like the GroundsKeepers at a
>>ballgame. Necessary, but nobody comes to see them.
>>Free Web Access? Try again. Most of those free CD's that come in the
>>mail don't work with Linux. AOL has a huge user base and to the best of
>>my knowledge does not work with Linux. Multimedia? Sure, you can run an
>>obsolete version of RealPlayer if you wish. DVD? maybe in the future.
>>Scanners and printers that ordinary folks can afford (non postscript or
>>in the case of scanners non scsi), that by the way work great under
>>Windows, not to mention all the free software like Adobe for instance
>>that comes with most of them. Easy one stop GUI mail/news programs?
>>Network kits that install right out of the box so the clueless can
>>install them and have a simple home network up in minutes? Try again.
>>Hardware support for today's hardware not some 5 year old soundboard?
>>Mixed bag.
>>Ease of use? Well Linux with a good gui like Gnome is certainly easy
>>enough to used if it pre-loaded. The problem arises when the user wants
>>to update.
>>This lib, that lib all around the lib we go. It's like a fsking library
>>merry-go-round only the names keep changing. Oh you didn't know that
>>XYZ.lib is part of the ABC.lib package? Silly you for not reading, and
>>reading,and reading and then reading some more. Then you find that
>>ABC.lib has some requirements of it's own and back you go. All I want
>>to do is instal a friggin program, and don't give me that RPM crap
>>because 7 times out of 10 (and yes I did count) I never seem to have
>>what is needed. This is a pure waste of time.
>>Ok so binary files are the answer. Or are they? Do you have the right
>>kernel version? Are you able to edit makefiles to change SMPCheck and
>>other housekeeping checks just so the damm thing works? Seen vi lately?
>>beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppp....What the fsk is that awful
>>beeping? Do people actually use this garbage?
>>Anyway, that's my rant. One only needs to try Linux to see how much it
>>lacks for normal folks. Keep it in the geek realm where it can fester
>>and provide joy and enlightenment.
>>Linux is as doomed as the Titanic when it comes to normal folks. Leave
>>it in some geeks server farm where it belongs, and rightfully so.
>>I love my kernel. I really do. I hate my girlfriend.I love only Linux.
>>Sent via
>>Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mr_rupert)
Subject: Re: Linux is a lamer
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 02:55:24 GMT

It is so sad when Drestin resorts to bogus identities.

On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 02:41:37 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>After a week of playing around with this Corel Linux shit I have gotten my money back 
>the local computer shop. I can't believe that they are trying to sell shit like this.
>i agree with others in this club that Linux is really a total waste of time.
>My suggestion is save your money, buy Windows and live your life instead of 
>dedicating it
>to trying to make a system run.
>What a piece of junk this Linux is.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mr_rupert)
Subject: Re: Let's blow this Linux Scam Wide Open!!
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 02:58:58 GMT

It is so sad when Drestin resorts to bogus identities.

On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 01:35:10 GMT, proculous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Where are they? Not some stupid German Linux magazine that nobody
>reads, but some verafiable benchmarks? Any out there?
>Total support for current hardware?
>Not half assed we can make it work support but real support?
>DVD, Scanners, Printers (not Flintstone models or Po$tcript$ models).
>Non-existant unless RealPlayer "insert 3 versions ago player here"
>So IBM is behind Linux? Of course they are. They are asking their
>employees to tie rubber bands back together while the executives get
>rich. A no cost OS is exactly what the rich pig execs want.
>to find out how happy IBM folks are these days.
>While the press rumbles with major vendors supporting Linux, the truth
>is that the support is skin deep if that. Try calling tech support and
>mentioning Linux and see how far you get.
>Hint: Listen for laughing while you get put on hold.
>Compare feature for feature with the Windows version and see how they
>Problem is you Linux Nuts are so used to using inferior software that
>requires an MSEE to operate that you don't know the difference.
>Pathetic is the answer.
>Linux is a pure scam brought forth by the folks at the major Linux
>vendors in order to boost the IPO so that a select few could get rich.
>When Linux dies a dismal death, and it will very soon, they will still
>be driving their Vett's and you will still be using an operating system
>hacked together by a bunch of nuts who report to no one.
>When the virii code appears in all of the back doors that will be or
>have been inserted in linux you will pay the price.
>Good Luck
>Sent via
>Before you buy.


From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: My Windows 2000 experience
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 03:03:25 GMT

"John Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:89pd5p$mlb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >Windows 2000 System File Protection will protect you from an application
> >overwriting or replacing system files
> WOW - is it that advanced ? I've never sen a version of UNIX that didn't...

I hope you're not being sarcastic, because I don't believe that any
UN*X variant has any protection from root installing a corrupt or bad version
of lib-foo.1.2 over lib-foo.1.2.

<non-confrontational, sincere>
Of course, I could be wrong... if I am, would you mind telling me how it works?
</non-confrontational, sincere>



From: proculous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux is a lamer
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 03:08:39 GMT

Sing it baby! Tell it like it is!!!!

You were lucky that you could get your money back. I hope you burned a
CD to give to your enemies so they can screw up their computers too
just like Linux did to you!!!!!!!!!!

Linux smokes the bone,,,,


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> After a week of playing around with this Corel Linux shit I have
gotten my money back at
> the local computer shop. I can't believe that they are trying to sell
shit like this.
> i agree with others in this club that Linux is really a total waste
of time.
> My suggestion is save your money, buy Windows and live your life
instead of dedicating it
> to trying to make a system run.
> What a piece of junk this Linux is.

I love my kernel. I really do. I hate my girlfriend.I love only Linux.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: proculous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy.
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 03:11:05 GMT

You make an honest attempt and I respect that. I respect your opinions
Rex .


In article <89pprk$dt1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard ) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <89palo$36p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   proculous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I notice that the Linux advocacy group
> >  seems to have much more traffic
> > than any of the Windows advocacy groups.
> Not much really happening in Windows Land.  Windows 2000 is a bit
> more reliable, but then again there are 65,000 incompatibility
> flags.
> Of course, part of the reason that the Linux group stays so busy
> is because Microsoft has 25 full-time paid staff members whose
> primary purpose in life is to spread as much misinformation as
> possible about Linux - especially in the Linux advocacy groups.
> Some are very articulate, some are downright childish.  Some are
> even just plain rude.
> Meanwhile, there are about 17,000 volunteer Linux supporters such as
> myself that are willing to address these issues.  Some of the issues
> raised are legitimate, others are misunderstandings of the Linux
> paradigm by those who only know the Microsoft Paradigm, and others
> are simply bald-faced lies.
> >  Simple reason is that Windows,
> > along with the Mac sell themselves and
> > don't need a band of loonytunes
> > around to wave the flag.
> This is partially true.  Microsoft pends nearly $4 billion/year
> advertising on everything from their web site to the Superbowl.
> Linux is a modest shoestring operation supported by volunteers,
> with relatively modest capitalization and cash flow.  Furthermore,
> Linux is a competitive market where companies like Red Hat, Caldera,
> Corel, SuSE, and TurboLinux share a market that is growing primarily
> by word of mouth.
> I just installed another Linux system for a coworker this morning.
> She wanted to try Linux, her son had been telling her about it, and
> I figured I could give her a "pain free" installation that she could
> dual-boot along with her NT system.
> I took about the same amount of time to install both NT and Linux
> base installations, but to get a useful NT machine, I had to install
> extra software and reboot the box over and over.
> > Now that Linux has become somewhat of the
> > darling of the computer press the chips are out on the table for
> > prospective users and supporters to try and decide for themselves if
> > Linux is worth the fuss.
> The press is just barely starting to cover Linux itself.  Users still
> have to either install it themselves or have someone install it for
> them.  I still can't walk into a CompUSA and see a Thinkpad 600E
> running Linux.  I can BUY a Thinkpad 600E running my choice of Linux.
> Ironically, it costs a few dollars MORE than the NT machine.  Probably
> to include extra support costs.
> > My opinon is that Linux in and of itself
> This phrase could mean a number of things.  Do you mean with no
> software?  Do you mean with no commercial software?  As I look
> below, you at least realize that Linux has a GUI (you knock X11).
> > fizzles and burns out on the
> > launchpad before it even gets into orbit.
> How long have you been using Linux?  I always reccomend that anyone
> who really want to form a legitimate opinion should spend at least
> 20 hours/week for at least 13 weeks using Linux.  After all, Linux
> and Windows are different paradigms, like driving a car after riding
> a bicycle.  One needs to get used to different things.
> It will take a few hours to just FIND all of the hundreds of Linux
> GUI applications.  When you begin to explore the libraries of CPAN
> and CGI applications, and the libraries of toolkits and then look for
> some of the commercial applications, you start to realize how foolish
> a 7 day evaluation that gripes because Linux isn't just like windows
> really is.
> I once offered a bounty of $20 to the first three people who actually
> used Linux for at least 20 hours/week for 90 days and still preferred
> Windows.  I eventually wrote one check after two years.  The offer
> was on this newsgroup from July of 1997 to November of 1998.
> Many of the most fanatical advocates on this group were once just
> like you.  They spend 10 hours installing Linux (usually a free
> download off the net).
> > Joe computer user weaned on
> > Windows needs a hell of a lot more
> > than a free operating system in
> > order to even consider switching from Windows.
> True.  Usually, they need to spend a few weeks with it just to really
> trust the fact that it doesn't crash.  I've seen X11 lock-up a few
> times, but even then the system is usually recoverable.  I also don't
> like Netscape's text entry (dejanews posting) on Linux - netscape
> has a memory leak problem as of 4.6
> > Why should he switch?
> Control over the system!  Choices!  Adherance to standards!
> Control over the system!
> With Linux the user controls what gets installed, what gets
> displayed, what the desktop looks like, what the applications
> look like, and which applications will be running.  They get
> development tools, server capabilities, and application libraries
> that they can combine.  Really exploiting this control does take
> a bit more self-directed training than watching the dancing paper-
> but you have the equivalent of any COM object that can be combined
> into a useful system in a relatively short amount of time.
> Choices!
> Even the bundleware isn't enough to prevent you from going out and
> picking up you favorite Office Suite.  Linux offers 4 office suites,
> several web browsers, and dozens of development languages.
> Adherance to standards!
> Linux was designed to run the same software originally written for
> the UNIX operating system.  Typically, a UNIX system is much more
> expensive - typically a workstation starts at around $20,000 including
> monitor, console, and SCSI drives.  Most people can't even think of
> owning a full-blown Solaris, Irix, or AIX workstation.  But Linux
> supports most of the same software on low-cost PC hardware.
> Recently, Linux has started developing a line of software generated
> by Linux users for Linux users.  Many UNIX vendors are working very
> hard to make sure that they are "Linux Compatible".
> Linux also tries to provide a great deal of backward compatibility.
> I have code I wrote in 1983 that runs with minimal changes on Linux
> today.  Linux standards are very public.  Unlike Microsoft sponsored
> standards like DVD-CSS, USB, and PCI PnP, which Microsoft tries
> to protect, Linux standards are generally created by large communities
> using standards published to the IETF and implemented in software
> protected by some variation of the General Public License.
> Linux uses industry standards like TCP/IP, RPC, CORBA, X11, and HTTP.
> Microsoft would like you to use their proprietary standards like
> NetBIOS, WINS, OLE, COM, DCOM, and ActiveX.  But then again, there
> is no guarantee that the next release (Windows 2000 for example)
> might decide that those APIs are obsolete and demand wholesale
> migration to COM+, MTS, Active Directory, Apartment Threading, and
> Fibers.  In fact, the next service pack could swap out half the DLLs,
> change the Mutex locks, and knock your third party applications into
> the trees.
> Furthermore, Linux standards provide not just the APIs, but also the
> protocols, file formats, and interconnect definitions.  You know that
> IIOP changes will be approved by a large standards body - that you
> probably have backward compatibility, and that you can upgrade your
> third party software when YOU feel like it, or when THEY offer new
> features, not when MICROSOFT decides to break everything.
> > Graphics? Doubtful considering X-Windows blurry,
> > distorted and hard on
> > the eyes method of displying fonts.
> Blurry?  A bit is a bit is a bit.  The X11 drivers can be tuned to
> get sharper resolution - even sharper than windows.  Perhaps you
> just didn't know how to set it up properly.  Take a look at xvidtune.
> I find that Windows (and KDE for that matter) tend to waste a lot of
> real-estate.  On some applications, the menus and toolbars take up
> as much as 30 percent of the usable space.  Furthermore, it's really
> painful to shrink the fonts to a managable size.
> > Don't tell me about rendering for
> > Titanic I know the entire story.
> > Linux was like the GroundsKeepers at a
> > ballgame. Necessary, but nobody comes to see them.
> This is true.  Linux did the rendering (computations for how the
> graphics should be painted onto the camera's display screen), but
> SGI actually provided the display screen itself.  After all, the
> Indio workstations were plotting in 4096 pixel wide formats, for
> wide-screen film presentations.
> The other important feature that Linux offered was support for NFS,
> which was really nice since it supported UDP and reduced the number
> of open TCP/IP connections required between the various systems.
> > Free Web Access? Try again.
> True.  Most of us get very low-cost service (I pay $10/month) for
> unlimited use provided by local or national ISPs.  Others of us
> connect directly to cable modems and function as our own ISPs.
> With DSL or Cable, Linux provides my web server, my e-mail, my domain
> name services, my firewall, my news server, and my user identity.
> I even have my own chat services.  What would I need an ISP for?
> > Most of those free CD's that come in the
> > mail don't work with Linux.
> True.  Of course, the Linux CDs are pretty cheap too.  Who knows,
> in a few more months, AOL may be offering Linux along with the ISP
> functions.
> > AOL has a huge user base and to the best of
> > my knowledge does not work with Linux.
> Most of the AOL services that are available via internet are available
> to Linux.  On the other hand, many serious users can get the same
> features through independent vendors and ISPs through a simple
> TCP/IP connection.
> > Multimedia? Sure, you can run an
> > obsolete version of RealPlayer if you wish.
> Actually, the same version available on Windows.  But the Linux
> version doesn't crash the way RealPlayer does after a few Service
> Packs.
> > DVD? maybe in the future.
> I can get the source from a court filing available through the
> freedom of information act.
> Actually, it's pretty easy to get DeCSS, and since the code was
> generated by a norwegian, who didn't sign the nondisclosure and
> didn't pay the $5000 fee, it would be hard to stop anyone from
> going to his site.  Also, DeCSS is published in many other countries
> as well.
> However, I can legally purchase a card and software combination that
> is properly licensed and does provide Linux capability.
> > Scanners and printers that ordinary folks can
> > afford (non postscript or
> > in the case of scanners non scsi),
> Check out SANE with the PPI option.  One of the SCSI drivers
> is actually through the parallel port - compatible with most
> scanners.
> As for printers, Ghostscript converts postscript to output suitable
> for most printers.  There are a number of choices, including HP
> and Laserjet printers.
> > that by the way work great under
> > Windows, not to mention all the free
> > software like Adobe for instance
> > that comes with most of them.
> True, Linux provide all the Free software in the distribution.
> In many cases, the free Linux software was contributed by
> some of the peripheral makers.
> > Easy one stop GUI mail/news programs?
> If you really want it we have Netscape.  Of course, some mail
> programs are much more powerful, much faster, and help you manage
> your mail much more quickly.  The same is true with news.
> > Network kits that install right out
> > of the box so the clueless can
> > install them and have a simple
> > home network up in minutes? Try again.
> In much the same way that you have to pick "Windows 2000 compatible
> peripherals", you have to pick "Linux compatible peripherals".
> I have had pretty good luck getting most NE2000 compatible cards
> to run with Linux, along with most 3Com cards.  The commercial
> distributions are getting better and better at identifying YOUR
> card.
> One of the issues with Linux is that some interrupts can be shared.
> The system can tell you which interrupts are being used, but you
> may still want to share.
> > Hardware support for today's hardware not some 5 year old
> Corel is providing some pretty good sourd support.  New sound drivers
> are even being provided by the PC maker themselves.
> > Mixed bag.
> > Ease of use?
> > Well Linux with a good gui like Gnome is certainly easy
> > enough to used if it pre-loaded.
> > The problem arises when the user wants to update.
> > This lib, that lib all around the lib we go.
> That's one of the reasons it's a good idea to stick with a commercial
> distribution.  The commercial distributors work very hard to make sure
> that everything plays together.
> Speaking of DLL hell, what can you tell me about the 5 copies of
> MFCCRT.DLL and MFCCRT40.DLL running around on Windows 95?  It seems
> that some Y2K patch broke a bunch of apps and everyone wants to put
> the old version at the head of the path.  Speaking of dll hell...
> > It's like a fsking library
> > merry-go-round only the names keep changing. Oh you didn't know that
> > XYZ.lib is part of the ABC.lib package? Silly you for not reading,
> > reading,and reading and then reading some more. Then you find that
> > ABC.lib has some requirements of it's own and back you go. All I
> > to do is instal a friggin program, and don't give me that RPM crap
> > because 7 times out of 10 (and yes I did count) I never seem to have
> > what is needed. This is a pure waste of time.
> Most linux distributions use installation packages.  You can even
> request that the prerequisites be loaded if they are not already
> there.
> > Anyway, that's my rant.
> Yes it is.
> > One only needs to try Linux to see how much
> > it lacks for normal folks.
> It looks like about all you did was give it a try.  Like taking
> a Jaguar out for a test drive and complaining about that hideous
> clutch and stickshift :-).
> > Keep it in the geek realm where it can fester
> > and provide joy and enlightenment.
> You are correct.  Linux isn't for everyone.  It's for people who
> dont want to pay $6000 for Win2K server enterprise edition, Microsoft
> Developer Studio, and Office 2000 to get a computer that will do
> what THEY want it to do.
> It ISN'T for people who are completely comfortable with doing what
> Microsoft wants them to do, the way Microsoft wants them to do it,
> at the price Microsoft wants them to pay for it.
> > Linux is as doomed as the Titanic when
> > it comes to normal folks.
> What are the "normal folks"?  The 10 million NT workstation users?
> The 200 million english-speaking, upper-middle-class Americans who
> live in neighborhoods where the schools routinely upgrade to the
> latest version of windows NT without blinking an eye?
> There are 6 billion people in the world.  There are 300 million people
> in the united states.  There are 100 million who are still running
> windows 3.1, and another 100 million who are still running Windows 95.
> They either don't want to pay Microsoft's prices (which usually
> includes replacement of the PC) or they want more than what
> they are getting right now.
> Lets assume that there are 200 million people who will stick with
> Microsoft no matter what Linux does.  Let Linux have the other 5.8
> billion.
> > Leave it in some geeks server farm where it
> > belongs, and rightfully so.
> Well, perhaps it does belong on the farm - where there aren't a bunch
> of MCSEs willing to drive to the house to fix the PC (Linux can often
> be managed and configured remotely).  Or in the Ghetto - where there
> aren't a bunch of people willing to pay $200/hour for MCSE consultants
> and $6000 to learn how to spell Microsoft.  Or in the Bario, where
> the primary language is spanish and the users want to communicate
> with the other 1 billion spanish-speaking people of Latin America.
> Or in the Chinatowns, where asians use special character sets to
> communicate with the other 2 billion chinese, korean, and japanese
> speaking people.  Or perhaps in India and Australia, where there
> are millions of people who could definately benefit from the resource
> coordination provided by computers, but might be a bit far from
> the guys in Redmond.  Or perhaps in Europe, where a unified currency
> and 12 languages make electronic commerce a bit ticklish to say the
> least.
> Or perhaps even is Tibet, Mongolia, Russia, eastern Europe, where
> high mountains, trecharous roads, and corrupt officials make the path
> of an MCSE a bit daunting.  Linux is right at home there.
> >
> > --
> > I love my kernel. I really do. I hate my girlfriend.I love only
> >
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.
> >
> --
> Rex Ballard - Open Source Advocate, Internet
> I/T Architect, MIS Director
> Linux - 60 million satisfied users
> and growing at over 1%/week!
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

I love my kernel. I really do. I hate my girlfriend.I love only Linux.

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