Linux-Advocacy Digest #501, Volume #25            Sat, 4 Mar 00 10:13:07 EST

  Re: Linux is a lamer (Andrew Higgs)
  Re: I can't stand this X anymore! (Andrew Higgs)
  Re: A Plague of "Chads" (was: Clarification of the word "communism" ("Boris")
  Windows 2000: Put A Fork In IT (mr_rupert)
  Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy. (William Adderholdt)
  Drafting a brochure (Nick Kew)
  Which Linux version is best ? ("Simon Buehring")
  Re: Kerberos Caught In Microsoft's Deadly "Embrace" (Grant Fischer)
  Re: Linux is a lamer (Mark S. Bilk)
  Re: I can't stand this X anymore! ("Mattias Dahlberg")
  Re: Linux is a lamer (Mark S. Bilk)
  Re: I can't stand this X anymore! ("Mattias Dahlberg")
  Re: Free Anti-Win95 MPEG! (Edward Rosten)
  Re: Linux is a lamer (Rick)
  Re: 64-Bit Linux On Intel Itanium (was: Microsoft's New Motto (5X3)
  Re: Let's blow this Linux Scam Wide Open!! (Edward Rosten)
  Re: 64-Bit Linux On Intel Itanium (was: Microsoft's New Motto (5X3)
  Re: My Windows 2000 experience (5X3)
  Re: Absolute failure of Linux dead ahead? (The Ghost In The Machine)
  Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy. ("Joseph T. Adams")
  Re: 3 out of 4 PCs do not need browsers (Michael Wand)
  Re: Blatant Plug: Sexiest Geek Alive - Go Linux - Go Me! (The Ghost In The Machine)
  Re: A Plague of "Chads" (was: Clarification of the word "communism" (The Ghost In 
The Machine)


From: Andrew Higgs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux is a lamer
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 10:28:03 +0000

They say that Linux is for people with an IQ over 95. Some of us now how to set up a 

Ain't nobody going to rip me from my Slackware box.

Kind regards
Andrew Higgs


> After a week of playing around with this Corel Linux shit I have gotten my money 
>back at
> the local computer shop. I can't believe that they are trying to sell shit like this.
> i agree with others in this club that Linux is really a total waste of time.
> My suggestion is save your money, buy Windows and live your life instead of 
>dedicating it
> to trying to make a system run.
> What a piece of junk this Linux is.


From: Andrew Higgs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,
Subject: Re: I can't stand this X anymore!
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 10:33:38 +0000

Hi Michael,

I think you should consider asking for help in setting up your XWindow
system properly. It is more than capable of runnig at the same resolutions
and color depths as windows.

Kind regards
Andrew Higgs

Michael Gu wrote:

> if Steve Jobs think Microsoft Windows is 'absolutely tastless' , i
> really would like to know what kind of words will he be using regarding
> X windows, Motif or CDE.
> -- this is purely fiction:
> What do you want a big screen(more pixels) for?
> X windows: Bigger letters, of course!
> Windows: So you can see more letters at once.


From: "Boris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Plague of "Chads" (was: Clarification of the word "communism"
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 09:27:02 GMT

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Actually I think he is stinky. Just like Linux.
He's an obvious paranoid. Just take his endless accusations that several people who 
Microsoft in their posts are paid propagandists. And he doesn't provide any proof
whatsoever. Also, when he says that he proved that smbdy had lied (Chad in this case) 
himself lies. Sometimes people can make factual mistakes in their posts. It happens 
everybody. Mark S. Bilk takes it to the next level: one of psychiatric disease he got.

> On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 01:08:20 GMT, "Boris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I called him a liar several times -- and proved it.
> >You are a liar yourself. If paranoid idiot can be called a liar.
> >
> >Boris
> >
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mr_rupert)
Subject: Windows 2000: Put A Fork In IT
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 10:20:05 GMT

The W2K show is over.  Put a fork in W2K, it's done.  Adios
Mr. Gates, it was fun while it lasted.  Your closed source 
OS model is outdated.  No one wants a nosey noo-noo snooping
through their setup while online.

The next thing I know the bums on the corner handing out
newspapers will be trying to hand me a W2K CD.

The always friendly, always lovable, and highly presentable,

Mr Rupert



Subject: Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Adderholdt)
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 10:33:14 GMT

In article <89plaf$1jm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Mark S. Bilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is just Steve/keymaster the homophobic fundamentalist 
> again, in another of his 1000 disguises.  One of his two 
> previous posts complains about "profanity".  The headers 
> also confirm it.

> You need to start merging all your different personalities 
> together, and the first step is to admit that they exist, 
> and let them get to know each other.  You have to stop 
> spending all your time fighting with other people -- post-
> ing this crap under so many different names to get attention.  
> Even if you're getting paid to do it, you'd better quit, 
> because it isn't good for you.  Your propaganda has no 
> effect anyhow, now that your cover is blown and we know 
> it's coming from one person.

Yep, it looks like another one of those posts.

However, anyone who hasn't been reading comp.os.linux.advocacy for
a while probably has no idea what you're talking about -- and would
probably also have a hard time believing that someone would waste their
time in such a pointless way.  For those people, here's an interesting
post from Sponge on July 26, 1999 (the famous "Amy thread"):[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=505415939&fmt=text

Relevant quotes (with atrocious formatting corrected):
> me and my homies  follow this group everyday and chat about it
> online. it's the most reediculous bunch of sorry assed losers we have
> ever seen. one friend even has this geek poster up in his room. he wrote
> the names of some of the regulars in this group under the geeks pictures!
> we have been mostly lurking for a couple of weeks now but the fun is
> going to begin shortly cause we are goin to start posting as a group
> and drive the lusers crazy.

Back then, I never thought they would keep it up for so long.

William Adderholdt


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nick Kew)
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Drafting a brochure
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 16:18:25 +0000

I'm looking at promoting - and commercially supporting - Linux locally,
for values of local in the far south-west of England.

I've done some draft scribbling for a brochure, aimed primarily at those
poor benighted souls caught in the Evil Empire.  The purpose of the
brochure is to explain "why Linux?"

I'm looking for comments on what I've written.  I'm not going to post
a machine-readable URL (I don't want to encourage it to get spidered)
but it's at and its name is /tux.html .

Note followups.

Nick Kew

We're so advanced here ... our nearest main road is called the A 386


From: "Simon Buehring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Which Linux version is best ?
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 10:39:38 -0000

As someone who has never used Linux, but am interested in installing it at
home, I am a bit perplexed as to all the different flavours of Linux out

Can someone tell me what the difference is between the various versions of
Linux - i.e. what are the major differences in the applications which come
packaged on the CD's?

E.g. do all linux versions come with the same relational databases, same
compilers etc ?

Is there anywhere on the Web which reviews all the Linux variants in terms
of their features and ease of installation ?

Actually, I am not that bothered if I choose a Linux version which is not
necessarily the easiest to install. I am prepared to spend the time doing
the nitty gritty of installation as a learning exercise in itself.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Fischer)
Subject: Re: Kerberos Caught In Microsoft's Deadly "Embrace"
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 12:17:20 GMT

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000 10:56:47 -0000, Neil
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>My understanding of the Kerberos situation, is that Microsoft have made use
>of a current aspect of "whitespace" in the spec, to add security
>information, pertinent to the W2K environment to the ticket.
>Not fundamentally changing the manner in which Kerberos authenticates, per
>se, but adding info to an current undefined portion of the ticket, in a
>similar method to that which they did to "tokens" in the previous NT domain

There's some stuff on the NT situation in the Kerberos FAQ for all
those interested. Section 3.5 in the current version talks about
the history of what went on.


Grant Fischer                       (gfischer at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Re: Linux is a lamer
Date: 4 Mar 2000 13:00:07 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>After a week of playing around with this Corel Linux shit I have gotten my money back 
>the local computer shop. I can't believe that they are trying to sell shit like this.
>i agree with others in this club that Linux is really a total waste of time.
>My suggestion is save your money, buy Windows and live your life instead of 
>dedicating it
>to trying to make a system run.
>What a piece of junk this Linux is.

This is just Steve/keymaster, Proctologist of Borg.

It is not the original boobaabaa, who was an intelligent,
lying thug, and an expert in NT, and was therefore most 
likely Chad Mulligan/Myers.  (Look them up in DN; the 
three styles are identical, and as each began posting,
the previous one stopped.)


From: "Mattias Dahlberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: I can't stand this X anymore!
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 14:04:59 +0100

> if Steve Jobs think Microsoft Windows is 'absolutely tastless' , i
> really would like to know what kind of words will he be using
> regarding X windows, Motif or CDE.

First he says M$ ripped MacOS's interface right off, then he says it looks
tasteless. That guy needs to talk less.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Re: Linux is a lamer
Date: 4 Mar 2000 13:04:21 GMT

In article <89punl$h28$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
proculous  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Sing it baby! Tell it like it is!!!!
>You were lucky that you could get your money back. I hope you burned a
>CD to give to your enemies so they can screw up their computers too
>just like Linux did to you!!!!!!!!!!
>Linux smokes the bone,,,,
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> After a week of playing around with this Corel Linux shit I have
>gotten my money back at
>> the local computer shop. I can't believe that they are trying to sell
>shit like this.
>> i agree with others in this club that Linux is really a total waste
>of time.
>> My suggestion is save your money, buy Windows and live your life
>instead of dedicating it
>> to trying to make a system run.
>> What a piece of junk this Linux is.
>I love my kernel. I really do. I hate my girlfriend.I love only Linux.

This is Proctologist of Borg following up to his own post,
pretending to be someone else.  Both are Steve/keymaster.

He's really making an ass of himself!


From: "Mattias Dahlberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: I can't stand this X anymore!
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 14:05:04 +0100

> if Steve Jobs think Microsoft Windows is 'absolutely tastless' , i
> really would like to know what kind of words will he be using
> regarding X windows, Motif or CDE.

First he says M$ ripped MacOS's interface right off, then he says it looks
tasteless. That guy needs to talk less.



From: Edward Rosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Free Anti-Win95 MPEG!
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 13:53:33 +0000

Stanislav Kogan wrote:
> Hi!
> allsafe wrote:
> >
> > You guys would appreciate this:
> >
> >
> >
> > Quick little video that would only tickle the denizens of this group.
> >
> > (I ain't selling nothing, and you're only two clicks away from
> > downloading a free 22 second MPEG video that every pissed-off Win95 user
> > could understand)
> Wow, that was neat. What firearm did you use?
How immensely satifying.

Did you know that the reason that windows steam up in cold weather is
of all the fish in the atmosphere?
        -The Hackenthorpe Book Of Lies


Subject: Re: Linux is a lamer
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 09:04:27 -0500

> After a week of playing around with this Corel Linux shit I have gotten my money 
>back at
> the local computer shop. I can't believe that they are trying to sell shit like this.
> i agree with others in this club that Linux is really a total waste of time.
> My suggestion is save your money, buy Windows and live your life instead of 
>dedicating it
> to trying to make a system run.
> What a piece of junk this Linux is.

If you cant get Corel Linux to work, I highly doubt you can install and
configure  Windows from scratch, either.

Either that, or you or just s troll.

To reply by email remove NOSPAM from my address.


Subject: Re: 64-Bit Linux On Intel Itanium (was: Microsoft's New Motto
Date: 4 Mar 2000 14:12:08 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Note that you have to design this capability into
>> the OS - no amount of testing will prevent an
>> incompetent programmer from writing a driver
>> with the fault you describe.

> Exactly. This is why Symantec should be banned from writing
> software.

Wow.  I didnt know microsoft felt that way.

"banned from writing software", eh chad?  Your alarmist-windows-
fascism is showing.



From: Edward Rosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Let's blow this Linux Scam Wide Open!!
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 14:15:12 +0000

proculous wrote:
> Benchmarks?
> Where are they? Not some stupid German Linux magazine that nobody
> reads, but some verafiable benchmarks? Any out there?

Let us see. A very primitive benchmark:

int main(void)
  long i;

  for(i=0; i< 10000000; i++);


time this program on a couple of PCs, such as a 386/20MHZ
How long does NT take to run this program on that hardware?

> Total support for current hardware?
> Not half assed we can make it work support but real support?
> DVD, Scanners, Printers (not Flintstone models or Po$tcript$ models).
What's wrong with PostScript? PS is a good system (hey, its FORTH based,
so it has to be good - closet FORTH fanatic). Besides even if you don't
have a PS system, linux will turn any old (or new) piece of junk in to a
PS printer.

> Multimedia?
No-one's perfect. We don't claim it it - we just claim that it's a lot

> Non-existant unless RealPlayer "insert 3 versions ago player here"
> counts.
> So IBM is behind Linux? Of course they are. They are asking their
> employees to tie rubber bands back together while the executives get
> rich. A no cost OS is exactly what the rich pig execs want.

GNU was started because `rich pigs' wanted to get rich by doing things
like controlling standards and using restricive licenses. See They are, however entitled to use Linux. But for them,
there is no such thing as a no cost OS, because of cost of operations.
If they like linux, it must be because they think it is the best option.

> Try
> or
> to find out how happy IBM folks are these days.
> While the press rumbles with major vendors supporting Linux, the truth
> is that the support is skin deep if that. Try calling tech support and
> mentioning Linux and see how far you get.
Try posting to C>O>L>* or alt.os.linux ans see haw far you get.

> Hint: Listen for laughing while you get put on hold.
Hint, watch your bank balance plummet on the support line to M$.

> Compare feature for feature with the Windows version and see how they
> compare.
Compare bug for bug. If I listed all the festures that linux has that
win doesn't, I'd be here all day.

> Problem is you Linux Nuts are so used to using inferior software that
> requires an MSEE to operate that you don't know the difference.
I was too used to using inforior software. Correct. Then I switched to

> Pathetic is the answer.
But whhat is the quetion?

> Linux is a pure scam brought forth by the folks at the major Linux
> vendors in order to boost the IPO so that a select few could get rich.

> When Linux dies a dismal death, and it will very soon, they will still
> be driving their Vett's and you will still be using an operating system
> hacked together by a bunch of nuts who report to no one.
& we enjoy it, which is probably it won't die, but Linux may die, just
as a.out and libc have, but GNU carries on, se we may all move to

> When the virii code appears in all of the back doors that will be or
> have been inserted in linux you will pay the price.
You can edit the code and recompile. No back door. But how will you
remove the backdoors in windows?


Did you know that the reason that windows steam up in cold weather is
of all the fish in the atmosphere?
        -The Hackenthorpe Book Of Lies


Subject: Re: 64-Bit Linux On Intel Itanium (was: Microsoft's New Motto
Date: 4 Mar 2000 14:18:55 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I remember a Linvocate not believing me, saying it couldn't
> be done on 32-bit (since ext2 is limited to 2GB files), but
> files in NTFS can be as large as 2 Terrabytes (I believe, I'll
> have to review, that's just off the top of my head).

1. "terrabyte" doesnt mean anything.  You are not talking about
an "earth" byte, but 1,024 gigabytes.

2. NTFS is no big deal.  BeOS can handle PETABYTE files and 
directories.  And its not even a "server class" operating 

3. Dont even get me started on what *real* computers can do.

4. I realize that you were making a comparison to the ext2 
filesystem generally, but I felt that your insane microcephalic
ramblings had gone on long enough without comment.



Subject: Re: My Windows 2000 experience
Date: 4 Mar 2000 14:19:42 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "John Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:89pd5p$mlb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> >Windows 2000 System File Protection will protect you from an application
>> >overwriting or replacing system files
>> WOW - is it that advanced ? I've never sen a version of UNIX that didn't...

> I hope you're not being sarcastic, because I don't believe that any
> UN*X variant has any protection from root installing a corrupt or bad version
> of lib-foo.1.2 over lib-foo.1.2.

> <non-confrontational, sincere>
> Of course, I could be wrong... if I am, would you mind telling me how it works?
> </non-confrontational, sincere>

Not a problem:

The person at the root prompt simply engages /bin/brian.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Absolute failure of Linux dead ahead?
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 14:21:44 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Wolfgang Weisselberg
wrote on 3 Mar 2000 16:29:08 GMT
>On Thu, 02 Mar 2000 20:41:25 GMT,
>       Jon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 2 Mar 2000 19:53:00 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> (Wolfgang Weisselberg) wrote:
>> > On Thu, 02 Mar 2000 17:52:16 GMT,
>> >    Jon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > On Thu, 02 Mar 2000 08:20:02 -0500, mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > > wrote:
>> > How many machines do *you* know that are in active use today
>> > *and* were so 15,20,30 years ago?
>> 2 that I've worked with personally.  
>So, does a single pentium outclass them yet or do you need a dual
>PII for that?  The computing power of 20 years ago is not much
>today compared to entry-level PCs.  Not to mention their economic
>use of several kWatts + aircon power.  Not to mention having to
>look for manufacturers for your core memory (for old machines). 
>The only case *I* know of would be *taadaaa* the space shuttle,
>which uses (or at least used at the time of the Challenger) core
>memory.  No RAM chips.  But then the coding standards and the size
>of the programs is somewhat different to what Corps use.

Dunno for sure, but I think the woeful state of the US FAA
computers (at least, woeful because of second-hand reports;
I don't know, personally) is being fixed, very slowly.
Presumably, these upgrades are partly because there's no funding,
and partly because the FAA, like the space shuttle, has to be
very careful with its coding because it just wouldn't do to have
a plane missing on their displays. :-)

Some of the computers are so old they're having to scavenge
for replacement parts.

(I note you're in Germany, though; I have no idea what their
equivalent to this is, or their situation.)

[rest snipped]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- insert random misquote here


From: "Joseph T. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy.
Date: 4 Mar 2000 14:24:11 GMT

R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard ) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Of course, part of the reason that the Linux group stays so busy
: is because Microsoft has 25 full-time paid staff members whose
: primary purpose in life is to spread as much misinformation as
: possible about Linux - especially in the Linux advocacy groups.

: Some are very articulate, some are downright childish.  Some are
: even just plain rude.

: Meanwhile, there are about 17,000 volunteer Linux supporters such as
: myself that are willing to address these issues. 

25 vs. 17,000?  No wonder we're winning.  Even if all 25 were
intelligent, that really isn't much of a fair fight is it?  :)

We have the better product, the better philosophy, the better way of
maximizing benefit versus cost, the best and largest development team
ever assembled, and the willingness to learn from other systems (even
Microsoft's) when they have something to teach us, as well as our own

Seems to me that as soon as corporate IT stops buying lies, the game
is really over for Microsoft as we know it.  It will survive either as
a leaner and meaner (and more focused) company, specializing in the
markets where it actually has a clue, or not at all.



From: Michael Wand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3 out of 4 PCs do not need browsers
Date: 04 Mar 2000 15:09:15 +0100

"Francis Van Aeken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Being fascinated by the possibilities of mobile agents, I'm very glad that
> not everybody shares your view. I'm pretty sure that active content is
> just the beginning...

What do mobile agents have to do with active content?
What do you need active content for?

> As far as the security issue goes, things are like in real life. Some people
> trust strangers, take chances, etc. Others just don't. It's more than just a
> rational thing, it's an attitude thing.

What "chances" does active content bring, apart from homebanking?


Looking for a good, interesting signature for work in various places 
of the Usenet. English language required. 
Please send applies to [EMAIL PROTECTED], including information about your
former work and your salary expectations.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine)
Subject: Re: Blatant Plug: Sexiest Geek Alive - Go Linux - Go Me!
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 14:34:34 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Chris Hubick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote on Fri, 03 Mar 2000 01:48:47 GMT
>I love free software.  I thus love Linux.  We are just at the start of
>the information revolution...years from now computers will permeate
>every aspect of our lives.  The computing platform for the next
>millenium must be based on free and open software.
>The plug:
>Unfortunately, not everyone sees it this way.  I am one of twelve
>finalists for the Sexiest Geek Alive contest.  Of the twelve I am one of
>three who is not Microsoft certified.  Being a lover of Linux, I would
>hate to see the crown go to someone who has sold their soul to Bill.
>So vote for me:

Offtopic, I know, but has anyone else noticed the confusion
between "biographies" and "basic input/output system" both
leading, via different paths, to the term "bios"? :-)

I read this link and wonder if they have other categories,
like "DLLs", "applications", "firmware", and "database" :-) )

After viewing the site (and noting with some interest the FLASH
"splash" at the start), though, I see this is not the case. :-)

Mind you, I fail to see the point why it's not segregated into
two contests: Sexiest Male Geek, and Sexiest Female Geekess.
Maybe it's just me. :-)

In any event, good luck.  (For me it's a tossup between #3 and
#5, but my being male tends to bias things slightly :-) ...)

>Thanks for your support! :-)
>Chris Hubick

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- am I sexy?  Should I ask the women out there? :-)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine)
Subject: Re: A Plague of "Chads" (was: Clarification of the word "communism"
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 14:40:23 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Mark S. Bilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote on 3 Mar 2000 16:27:31 GMT <89op5j$b4c$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


>Ever wonder if Chad Myers and Chad Mulligan are the same 

Nope.  Not sure I care; identities on Usenet can change
quite easily, although that problem might be addressed at some point.
I don't see it being addressed in an elegant manner anytime soon,

(If I really bothered, and had enough posts to work with, I could
probably at least formulate a working hypothesis by looking at
the Path: header.  However, telnetting into another machine would
confuse things even more; I for one could probably telnet into a
freeware news server somewhere in, say, Germany, France, or Japan,
and make it look like I'm posting from -- a freeware news server
somewhere in, say, Germany, France, or Japan. :-)  For what it's worth.)

Anyway, can we get back to arguing whether NT is better than
Linux, Linux better than NT, what the definition of "better" is,
and what the definition of "is" is? :-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- who happens to like it right here anyway :-)



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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